Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday Funday

Weekends just go by too fast. Saturday I started to get out the ingredients to make peanut butter cookies and realized I didn't have enough brown sugar. The roads were fine by then, but dh wanted to get out of the house, too, so he drove me to town. I also picked up milk, graham crackers and a couple of donuts. There have been several elk herd sightings near our house (I saw them the prior weekend about a mile down the road, when I went to the city) so on the way back dh drove past our house and down the road a ways to where I had seen them. No elk but he pulled in a little dirt road onto the state land to turn around. Down farther I saw these black "lumps" we couldn't tell what they were so drove it a little closer and realized someone had dumped a bunch of tires back there! People!

DH was telling our neighbor about it and he said dh needs to report it to the sheriff for illegal dumping. DH was like there's nothing they will do...? Plus, he had already texted his friend who works for the state and snow plows our road and he said if the tires are up next to the road, they will pick them up and dispose. But, Mr. neighbor said the sheriff is really trying to crack down on illegal dumping and at least a report will be made that it happened. So, dh puts a call in. Of course, as expected they said they didn't want/need to do anything. Mr. Neighbor wasn't very happy about that. I told dh well, I'm sure whether they do something or not, depends on who calls. If Mr. Neighbor had been the one to report it, they would have checked it out. He has clout in the community - we are nobodies, LOL. Anyhow, dh drove his quad back down yesterday afternoon and moved the 7 tires up next to the road and snow plow friend said he will put it "on the board" for pick up.

The extra chair I ordered for the loft area arrived - yesterday, on a Sunday! Since when does FedEx deliver on a Sunday, let alone out in a rural area. And usually I always get an automated text from FedEx in the morning that they are delivering. Dh has a small chain on the gate (until the latch arrives) so if he hadn't gone out to go move those tires, we wouldn't even have known that box (and another box) were sitting out by our gate! In the snow. LOL. I know dh had probably told the FedEx driver lady (they don't come near as often as UPS) that she can just leave stuff out there, but that doesn't work if we don't know it's coming that day. UPS guy comes numerous times a week, but I always get notifications when he's coming and he also has dh's phone #, so he sometimes texts he's coming, as he knows dh will meet him out at the gate to get the package.

Anyhow, the loft area definitely looks more "balanced" to me, with the 2nd chair. Still a slow work in progress, but getting there. But, now that the 2nd chair is there, it doesn't "bug" me every time I walk by, so I'm ok if I don't finish this area up right away.

Saturday USPS informed delivery was showing a package was supposed to be delivered. It didn't come. I looked at tracking again.....guess where it ended up going?.......Honolulu!! Good grief. It started out in Ohio. How?!! LOL. I wonder how long it will now take to get here.

We aren't football watchers, so we watched a movie after dinner. Unbroken. I had read the book years ago. It was pretty good, but as usual books are better. My mom always enjoyed football and she did know the game was on yesterday and she called me in the morning to find out what time and what channel, so I'm sure she watched it.

I'm just not into pro-sports anymore. Haven't been for years, though used to enjoy watching football and basketball. But, somewhere along the lines these athletes became too overpaid and too full of themselves. They aren't worth my time or money. DH used to really enjoy Nascar, but same thing. Just a bunch of overpaid egos. All the drivers are there now because they "buy a ride", not because they are the best drivers. A young driver can have oodles of talent, but unless he has money to bring with him, forget it, he's not getting a chance to move up.

Ugh. I was on a work call and my mom tried to call. I tried to call her back about 15 minutes later and it went straight to her voicemail, so I'm thinking she must be on another call again. I tried a few minutes later and same thing. I logged into her Verizon to look at her call log to and I see about 10 minutes before she tried to call me she got a call from a MT number that she talked with for 8 minutes. I looked up the number and it keeps coming up as the anthropology dept at the University, LOL. Who is she talking to?? LOL. Nothing else is showing up on the call log after that yet, not even her call to me (maybe it doesn't show up if I don't answer), but I just tried again and still straight to her voicemail. Weird.



  1. Honolulu? Wow! Once, one of my ex-boss' suitcase got sent to Alaska Anchorage instead of Ankara, Turkey. No big deal, a little over 5,000 miles right? Haha! The airport code for Ankara is ESB. It got sent to ANC which is Anchorage. Luckily, the suitcase made it home all in one piece.

    1. Apparently the package got to spend the whole day in Honolulu LOL.

  2. Your loft area looks very nice. A good place to relax & read a book. :)

    1. thank you! it's getting there. I need to find a floor lamp I like and doesn't cost $300 :/

  3. My son still has a gift trying to make it's way to us. I'm not sure who the shipping party is-not Amazon.

    1. We seem to have the most issues with the post office packages. They end up taking 2 weeks on average and half the time the tracking just goes into limbo for a week or more.

  4. I sent my friend a card in November to Nigeria, who knows where it is now - but I sure can understand wanting to spend a day in Honolulu! Especially since the pandemic, mail service has been very all over the place.

    I hate packages ending up in the snow outside, we have two doors, a screen door then the actual front door - sometimes they don't even bother to put it between the two doors to protect it from snow. How will you get the packages now that you have the gate on?

    1. DH is thinking of building a package box to put at the gate, but typically I get all the alerts/texts or emails that they are delivering, so we usually know they are coming. He hasn't quite decided what the best plan is now.

    2. Yeah, a package box is a good idea! nifty. And it would keep stuff dry and protected too.

  5. How about getting a nice sign with instructions not to leave at gate. If you have a package box, you will have no way to know a package there unless you go down and look. Your room does look a lot more balanced. Did you order the cute bird lamp? I buy antique lamps for little and have someone rewire and redo the surface. No one has lamps like Well, there is the cheap tacky lamp just to get light. I can pay $3 for a wonderful lamp and pay someone $100 to fix it. And, your husband probably knows how to do it.

    1. Well I think dh told her it was ok to leave at gate. We just weren't ever expecting them to deliver on a Sunday. I actually just checked on my birdie lamp order. Still on back order until mid March. Bummer.
