Thursday, February 25, 2021

THURSDAY this and that

Apparently when I titled my blog post yesterday, I thought it was Tuesday. LOL. Ok, I'm caught up now with what day of the week it is 😄

I was budgeting, looking at numbers, renewing dh's short term health insurance plan for another 6 months and realized just how much money President Trump has saved me since I was able to drop the $650 a month Obamacare plan for dh, 2 1/2 years ago. And, I'm sure the monthly premium is even higher by now (it had gone up $90/mo at the time I dropped it). I did the math. I have saved $15,000!! $15,000 in my pocket vs. going to a crappy insurance plan that only covers 60%. (sure I could have gotten a better plan, for another $400 a month or more). And if I am able to keep this another 6 months (because I'm just expecting Biden to drop the hammer anytime now) I just signed him up for, the total savings will now be at least $18,000 in 3 years. In my book, that is an extremely significant amount. Imagine what all these people out there paying through the nose for their insurance premiums, barely getting by, could do with that kind of extra money every month. I know one couple, our age, self employed, no subsidies, not making a ton of money, who couldn't afford those premiums for both of them, the past 10 years or so. I know during Obama's terms they just went without and paid the IRS penalty. They couldn't afford $1200 a month or more in insurance premiums (for both of them).

I'm re-working my budget now to reflect the new mortgage payment. I'll know when I see the documents later this morning, but I'm anticipating my first payment due 4/1.  My new mortgage payment is $571 a month lower, after refinancing. Not to mention all the interest I'm going to save over the life of the loan going from 4.375% on the first mortgage and 6.29% on that second mortgage, down to 2.5% in one combined mortgage loan, now. The notary is supposed to be here at 11am, so after that is all signed, I'll be doing the happy dance here. It's kind of like getting a raise.....though really getting raise would be nice, too, haha. It's been 2 years now, thanks to Covid.

DD's husband is getting switched to a different job with their company. They aren't quite sure whether it's going to be good or not, time will tell I guess. But, he's been frustrated that he's been in his current position 5 years (10 years with the company) and not finding an opportunity to move up a level. He's a trainer of new employees and now they want him to train the people they are moving into lead positions....yet they won't promote him to a lead position! Doesn't quite make sense. I told her to ask his boss "um...hey...can I train myself for the job I'm going to be training others for, too?" LOL.


  1. Maybe dd's husband is too good at what he does?

    1. it sounds like they have changed their mind and keeping him at his same job.

  2. I think I remember you posting that he is on one of the short term health insurance plans? I was on that for one year and would just caution you that if he does have a claim, it can be so, so costly. So save some of that savings for such a case! I went to the ER because I had heart attack symptoms. Several hours later it was decided that it was a severe panic attack, but good that I went in. The bill was $7,500. When I submitted it to my short term health care, it was subject to my high deductible. Where a customary plan has an "arrangement" with the hospital to write off some of the expenses, this did not. So I had to work out a payment plan. Then found out that because of the type of plan I was on, the deductible started over every quarter. Once I realized those things, I was not comfortable being on that type of plan anymore and went back to a high deductive plan through Now when I have a claim, even if it is subject to my deductible, my insurance company negotiates a lower cost with my provider. These plans can be great, but just letting you know one of the drawbacks. If that had been cancer, I would have had to start my deductible every quarter and that could be devastating.

    1. I am aware of the deductible period, but in this case, it's semi annual, but yes, something to definitely consider when opting for this insurance.

  3. That's quite considerable savings for you isn't it. I'm pleased it worked out that well for you!
