Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Always price shop

We have one of those white plastic laundry baskets. Dh uses it on his laundry days, and on non-laundry days it sits up on a shelf between cabinets above the washer and dryer. 

(there are 3 other things I dislike in this laundry room, LOL. #1 - that ugly fire extinguisher #2 the blue "shop towels" and #3 that I'm always adjusting that hand towel dh wipes his hands with so that it hangs even. haha. The fire ext. and the show towels look so tacky to me. I think I will make some room under the sink cabinet for the extinguisher and then one of these days mention to him those towels look stupid, LOL)

I was thinking I want to find a nicer looking laundry basket, so I was looking online at Target. This came into my searching and it was like a sudden flashback to childhood! We had one just like it (though not lined with fabric). I had totally forgotten about these kind. 

Since dh is the laundry person, I asked him if we can replace the white plastic one with something along the lines of this one. He was fine with that. And me being the price shopper......Target says this is regular priced at $100 (for a wicker laundry basket??!!) and on sale 40% off for $60.  Well, Wayfair has the EXACT same basket for $22. And they have it in white for $17. Ya just gotta shop around, I tell ya!

So, this morning I go online to get the measurements, to make sure it will fit in our spot on the shelf before ordering. Now Wayfair's price is $30. Not cool, but it's also showing up (same EXACT one) at Lowes for $15! AND, I've had something in my cart that dh needs to order, but I needed to add something to get free shipping and hadn't thought of anything yet. This is perfect. I still can't get over Target thinks this is worth $100 regular price. On Targets website it says "sold and shipped by Home Basics", on Lowe's website it also says it's the Home Basics brand. Quite the price difference. DH has a washer and dryer out in the bathroom in his shop, so I'm sure he can use the plastic laundry basket out there.

I have to do payroll today and off to a slow start. Several questions, including a possible return from maternity leave clarification, an employee who was terminated on Monday and an hourly employee who drove to our office on the other side of the state and I want to make sure we're paying him for his travel time, as I don't think he clocked in and out for it. Mostly all questions for my boss and she's being slow to respond, LOL.

Other than the strange notification in the mail that my mortgage lender was already changed with my homeowner's insurance, I haven't heard anything on my loan. The loan officer I talked with a week or so ago said they are just waiting on the title and that is taking a long time for everyone to get those nowadays. 


  1. Good Lord, how much for that wicker baskset????

    1. I double checked it again, Target says $100! I wouldn't even pay their sale price of $60 LOL

    2. That is a wide spread. Reminds me back in the day when Longaberger parties were popping up. I can't even remember their basket/laundry hamper price but it was through the moon.

    3. SAM - those kinds of parties, back in the day, were never anything I could afford at the time. I really hated getting invited to all those parties - the candles, the pampered chef, etc. I would go (because usually it was one of my SIL's or a friend having the party) and always felt like I had to buy something so ended up with the least expensive thing.

  2. Don't conceal the fire extinguisher. This is a safety issue, not a decorating issue.

    I only like Tupperware parties. Longaberger is tacky! I buy my baskets from a man who cuts down the trees, trims them, weaves the baskets, and sells them himself. Or, I get them from a thrift store.

    1. the fire ext. would be just as easy to grab under the sink there as on the counter. I think I'd rather have it under the kitchen sink - that's most likely where a fire would start and be quicker to grab. Nowadays I only get invited to "online" ordering parties (even pre-Covid) on Facebook and those are easy to ignore.

    2. I would want mine visible to me or anyone to use. I saw a tip--never keep the fire extinguisher near the stove because the fire might drive you back. It said to keep it at the other end of the kitchen. Of course, I don't have a fire extinguisher.
