Friday, February 5, 2021

TGIF and whatnot

I'm hoping today is another uneventful day, like yesterday was. No calls or texts, LOL. We did get a few inches of snow last night and a little here and there is predicted the next few days.

DH kept busy making some "caps" for the gate posts to make it look more finished. Just used more scrap wood. He said he's going to go through the wood pile that's left and remove the stuff that's too twisted or not straight enough to use on anything and add it to the burn pile. He's getting better at sanding wood. He did better sanding these caps then he did for the inside stuff he made me a few years ago LOL. He also added a couple metal house numbers to the fence that he bought quite awhile ago.

He's been looking at electric gate openers online for reviews, prices, etc. It looks like the one he's seeing good reviews on will run about $1500 (not counting having the electric hooked up) but it is also solar powered, so we can just have it use solar power, until we are ready to spend the money to get the electrician back out here.

Not much going on really. My mortgage refi is still in process, just waiting to clear the title I guess and then they will get final confirmations I still have a job, etc.

I guess I should get started on taxes soon, too. I always seem to have a refund from the state tax return. Would be nice to get that before I owe my federal return, but apparently you cannot e-file separately, from what I looked up. I may just paper file it, so I can get the refund in the bank to put towards federal.

I've been thinking of making peanut butter cookies and then dd went and made some last night and sent me a picture. Well, now I need some, LOL. Sounds like a good thing to do this weekend. No plans for much of anything.  Just need to clean, as usual.

ok, I put it off as long as I could - haha. Need to take the mail out to the the snow and it's snowing. Better bundle up!




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