Thursday, February 11, 2021

Thursday this and that

Hmmm...I really don't have anything to say, haha. Temps are dropping into the single digits. We got about an inch of snow more last night and it's lightly snowing now. DH likes this snow better, lighter and powdery-er, easier to shovel, LOL. His winch and strap that pulls his snow plow up and down on his quad is about to go south, so he's ordered new stuff. The winch thingy (apparently called a fairlead) came yesterday and the straps are supposed be here tomorrow. His package that took a detour to Hawaii on Saturday finally arrived today.

Our neighbors down at the end of our street, the young couple who just had the baby.....they are really starting to make us mad the way they treat their dog! Dh has seen both of them hit or kick him. No wonder as soon as he can get away he leave and heads straight for our house, where he will sit at our door and howl. Well, of course we don't want to listen to that (nor do we want him scratching our doors) so we usually just text them that he's down at our place. This morning he came and dh was already outside, so he just decided to walk him back down the street. He didn't realize she was out looking for him at our other neighbors and when he got out on the street she came walking up and grabs his collar and kicks him. DH says do you have a leash to walk him back? she says if I have to use a leash he's getting his his ass beat. It just makes us sooo sad. I can't imagine doing that to our dogs. No wonder the poor dog doesn't want to stay there with them. DH says when the dog gets near them he acts scared. Why even have a dog if that's how you treat it? It almost makes me wish I knew someone who lived far away who wanted a dog and take him and give them to that person and not even tell anyone. There isn't any animal control or anything like that (we don't even have a vet) in our county, so that's not an option to report it to anyone. But, honestly, if I am ever the one who happens to see them do it to him, I'm going to say something.

I want to order something from Walmart that is about $15. To get free shipping I need to order $20 more. Ugh. I hate trying to think of things to add. Finally, after adding 4 more items, I get to over $35. Then I'm looking at my cart and I just know all those items are going to most likely ship separately and FedEx is going to have to come here every day next week. Ugh.

I just signed up for a 6 month subscription to Starz channel for $30 total, so I can watch a few shows. I love Outlander and haven't seen season 5 yet. My half sister also said that the 3 series called The White Queen, the White Princess, and the Spanish Princess are really good, so watching all these should keep me busy for awhile. I think I can put the app on my Firestick and if not, for sure I can watch it on my ipad or my computer.

Then I was looking for something online and trying to see where it might be available to buy. I clicked on a link that was apparently Amazon in Spanish. My whole amazon account was now in Spanish. I had no idea how to fix! I tried googling for help and the links to me guessed in Spanish. Finally I found a youtube video on how to change it back to English. I'd say that is a sign I just need to take a break from online shopping LOL.



  1. Can you imagine how they will treat a child? Think hard and rescue the dog! My friend was going to leave her dog for a year with a friend. I told that friend how she treated the dog and that person said the dog escaped and they could not find it. Oh, yeah? Well, the dog was safe.

    Maybe next time you can order a multiple of something so it will all come together. Tommy had an order of four things that came today in three deliveries. That was ridiculous!

    I got on Spanish-language Amazon and backed out. I was afraid I would have Spanish forever, and I am not THAT fluent in Spanish.

    1. it looks like my order is only being shipped in 2 packages, haha.

  2. OMG that is horrible about the dog. I so wish you could report them!!! I want to get discover+, just to watch Dr Pimple Popper but I cannot get it here in Canada - UGH! I'll make do with what i have. I also hate finding the minimum for shipping, it is the worst sometimes.

    1. I live in Western Canada and we get Dr Pimple Popper and it has to be the grossest show on tv. I have never watched it, just if I am flipping channels it shows something horrific!!

    2. I saw a bit of that show once flipping thru channels. Yuck, haha!

  3. I don't trust people who treat animals poorly - and to me that means doing things like not walking them enough. I can't imagine watching someone kick a dog! Hopefully it bites one of them. And I agree - imagine how they'll treat their child!

    1. dh has seen both she and her dh do it to the dog. He's very hyper and won't listen, but of course, that is because he has no attention or training. I think people think they can just get a dog and not have to put any effort or time into it.

  4. I would go to the neighbor and say everyone is upset in your neighborhood at her treatment of the dog, and would she please give you the dog. She can visit it at your house. IF she says no, offer to buy it. Please save that dog from a life living in hell. Thanks!

    1. I'm going to bring it up to our other neighbors (who LOVE dogs, you know the barking ones? haha!) and see what they say and if they have any ideas on it. Mrs. Neighbor, if she knew, would probably say something in a heartbeat. I don't think they know, because ususally the dog comes to our house, not theirs so they don't see when one of the couple comes to get the dog. NO, no more dogs for us! These 2 big dogs we have are more than enough. We're not taking on another dog, especially one that hasn't learned any manners.

    2. I hope your other neighbor has some ideas. Where I live it's illegal to physically abuse or neglect an animal. I could phone our police and they would investigate.I didn't mean you should keep the dog, surely there is an animal rescue in your State that would come and get the dog and get it the training and then the loving home we all deserve. No one, human or animal, deserves to be kicked. This is so sad and upsetting!

  5. I don't recall any post ever making me as angry as this one of yours, and I don't even like dogs because I KNOW HOW MUCH WORK THEY ARE!!!! SOME PEOPLE SHOULD NOT HAVE DOGS. Kicking a dog???? Words are failing me right now. Well, no, words are not failing me, but words appropriate for publication are. I despise abusers, and these people are abusers. The sad thing is, that, like Bobbie said, eventually this dog will bite, and that will be the end of the dog. What utter fucksticks your neighbors are. And to think they are having a baby....yikes.

    1. They have an almost 4 year old and the new baby. She is home all day (works from home) so there is no reason that dog can't get some attention and training time. I really think they just liked the idea of having a dog, not the actual work involved

    2. I echo everything Meg said. It's tragic! My pup is my family-what the hell are they thinking.

    3. I know! I could never hurt my dogs. One time I accidentally stepped on one of them. OMG. he thought he did something wrong, I guess, and was so sad and trying to get in my lap. I'm apologizing all over the place, LOL.

  6. Maybe your husband could tell them how they would like to be kicked?

    1. Something needs to be said, whether they like it or not.

  7. That is horrible! I love dogs but, I do not adopt one because, I know it would be very difficult to look after a dog for the first time in my life and in a two-bedroom apartment If they abuse a poor animal, I am sure their little baby could be in danger too. I wish someone could take that dog from them.

    1. They have an almost 4 year old and the new baby. I just wish they'd find a new home for him, they obviously don't need a dog in their life.

    2. Well I am still upset. SOMEONE needs to do something to help this poor helpless creature. In the time we've been gabbing on here a phone call could have been made. I live in another country or I would do it myself. How horrific that no one has stepped up yet to help this poor dog. I wonder how many times he's been kicked since we first learned of this abuse.
