Thursday, February 25, 2021

What a joke

So, now the 2nd notary that was supposed to come at 11am today is a no show. What in the world is wrong with people??!! She couldn't even call or text. At noon I called the number that she had called me from, when she called on Tuesday to confirm the appointment with me. I left a message that I was calling to see if she was still coming for our 11am appointment. No call back. Finally, at 12:30pm I emailed my lender contact and she emailed back "are you kidding me?? What the heck!!! Let me reach out to title ASAP!!" So, apparently title can't get a hold of this notary either, so now they are looking for yet another one......I'm so mad!! 

How freaking hard is it to let a person know you aren't coming? So damn rude. Now she's just cost me probably a few more days, until they can find someone else to do it. And I'm sure she knew earlier this morning (at the latest) that she wasn't coming, but couldn't let me or the title company know?


  1. These are the kind of people I have no use for at all.

  2. What state do you live in so I know to never move to. We had a part go bad on our furnace and had to wait 3 weeks for a new part. He will be here Wednesday pretty much on time. We have never had trouble getting services here but I don't live in a real rural area.

    1. Montana and it isn't even so much a rural issue as it appears to just be the culture around here, even in the bigger city(s)

  3. Zomg, how annoying. Yes a little message would have gone a long way.

    1. it sure would have, as then the lender and title could have worked on finding a replacement much sooner :(

  4. I hate how ignorant people who just don't show up also seem to have phones that no longer work either. It drives me mad!

    1. oh ya, I'm sure she has no problem having that phone on her at all times.
