Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Poor customer service

So yesterday I called that cabinet manufacturer back, since the area rep they said would call me weeks ago never did. I first asked if the cabinet dealer, who we got all our cabinets through, was still a dealer with them and was told yes. So, I explained again that we used this dealer for them to do all the cabinets in our new house 2 years ago and are wanting to add a laundry room cabinet to match. That I have tried numerous times to get a hold of her but she won't reply and when I last called the mfg office I was told a rep would call me, but never did. The reply I got? "Well, if she won't call you back there is nothing we can do". Wow. I said seriously? You have a customer who spent $17,000 for your cabinets and have no way to get me another cabinet? Finally, she said well, I can see if there is another dealer in your area maybe. She gave me the name and town of another dealer, that is fairly reasonable distance. I looked them up on the internet and cannot find a cabinet sales company with this name in that town. I did find one with that name, but different phone number.........4 hours away. And this company doesn't have a website or anything, they appear to be a contractor/hvac company. 

I decided to give cabinet lady one more chance. I called (of course it's a voicemail) and left another message and also sent her an email again. So far, of course, no reply. What in the hell? I have an email typed to the cabinet manufacturer, letting them know of my displeasure with the service of their dealer and lack of assistance in getting me another cabinet made. I will try to call this phone number the mfg gave me, but I have a strong hunch they are not in the town that is about an hour from me, they are in the one that is 4 hours.

The neighbor dogs were fine last night until about 11:20. DH went out to our garage window closest to their outside run area and told them to be quiet and go lay down and they did, haha.

We've managed to do leftovers 2 times in the last week. Pretty good considering dh really has never liked leftovers, ever. But, we had spaghetti leftovers one night and last night we have meatloaf sandwiches for dinner from the leftover meatloaf.

We're getting little bit of snow here and there, and it's nearly 30 degrees now. Better than our poor friends in Texas who have been without power for 24 hours. DH said to him, aren't you just staying in your motorhome? Well...apparently, the heater in it has been broken..living in warm Texas, friend never fixed it. All their pipes are freezing, their swimming pool water is freezing. I guess good for them is that she owns an insurance company, so I'm sure they are covered for everything.

Even living where we live, knowing it gets cold, people commented to dh during out build process that he was over doing it on some things, like how deep he buried some lines. "you only need to do it 3 ft..." He did 6 ft and said "it only takes that one really bad winter no one was expecting, so I'm going to be prepared." 

UPDATE: I knew as soon as I tried to get a hold of someone else on the cabinets, the cabinet lady would end up getting a hold of me. She finally emailed me back, saying sorry we have been unable to connect. many changes going on and on-going issues since Covid and she will call me tomorrow. So, we'll see. I called the other dealer the mfg gave me and left a voice mail. He called me right back. As I figured he is several hours away but his son, who has a woodworking business or something about an hour for me can do cabinets for him in my area. He gave me his son inlaws # and said to text him my info and pictures of what I need to see if he can help. I hadn't gotten my pictures and cabinet name/details together yet this morning to text him and sure enough, cabinet lady emails me.


  1. Customer service can make me crazy. You would think that they would pay attention to customers, especially those who had spent substantial money and want to spend more. That is funny that the dogs laid down when he told them to do so. I guess they just need to know they are not alone and someone cares.

    1. and we are still trying to get an answer from the building supply guy if our cracked window is under warranty. I have emailed him several times.

  2. You would think they don't want the business wouldn't you. And maybe they don't want the "small change" business, but only go after the big stuff. It's very disappointing though isn't it!

    1. if that's the case I'd prefer she had just told me to get lost last November! LOL. Funny, after I finally made the decision to get lost, she communicates.
