Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Grumble day

This morning is frustrating, so far. Some of it leftover from last night. My mom called about an hour after her dinner to say it was awful and she couldn't even eat it and that she saved it in her fridge and was going to take it downstairs to show someone in the morning. I suggested she call down or take it down then, as I'm sure someone was around she could talk to about it, but she didn't think there would be. As usual, she couldn't even tell me what the meal actually is (even though she opened the container while talking to me) just that it kind of looks like pizza and is burned on the bottom and the "salad" sounds like it was mostly like purple eggplant filler. 

Ugh. So, I told her I'd call her in the morning to see what she found out after taking it down to show them. And as expected another hour or so later, my phone rings and it's my uncle, I'm sure wanting to tell me her meal is bad, blah blah. I let it go to voicemail. I was tired, I had a headache, and I'm already going to deal with it for/with her. Then about 10 minutes later he texted me to call him when I get a chance. I'll text him back this morning that I'll give him a call around lunch break. 

I know the restrictions her senior living place is under due to Covid is probably causing most of this. They are having to deliver all meals to each apartment, and also not offering any meal choice. Normal conditions are they eat in dining room and have like 2-3 meal choices to chose from. But, if it's a meal delivered that doesn't taste good or something she just doesn't like, there needs to be a plan B. Like at least be able to call down and request a sandwich be brought up or something. Just not eating a meal, isn't an option. With them basically being on lockdown, at this time, (due to a resident getting Covid recently) it's not even like I can stock up her fridge for her. Let alone, she can't really make anything much anyway, with no stove or oven in her room. And trying to keep a few things in her fridge is hard, because most of the time she doesn't need to eat any of it, and it goes bad before she does. Not to mention her memory doesn't work well enough anymore for her to manage it all much.

After I typed this out, I decided to just email the manager with my concerns and ask her what options my mom has for getting something else to eat, when the meal is bad or a food/meal she doesn't like. So, we'll see. I also imagine if my mom thinks the meals are bad, at times, so do other residents, and if no one complains, then they don't know. So, we'll see what she says.

I got an email from the lender I'm working with on my refi that there's an update to my loan estimate. I log in and can't remember what the estimate was exactly before this new one. I should have written it all down or done a screen shot. Anyway, it seems that my amount needed at closing went up over $4000. I can't see that any of the closing costs changed (from my memory), but then I noticed my "Estimated Total Payoffs and Payments" was over $4000 more than what my 2 mortgage loan payoffs total. I can't imagine what the extra $4600 is from? even with partial months interest owed on these loans, depending on when we'd close, the total interest could only be at the very most $1800 extra. So, I put an email in about that, asking for detail on what makes up that number. (and I saved this version as a pdf, so if it changes again, I can compare).

So, not the best start to my day, haha. Though a breakfast of banana bread and "cherry cheescake" yogurt is good. I got substituted my regular yogurt flavor and this is pretty good, too. Definitely tastes like cheesecake, which I love.


  1. sometimes lenders charge a pre-payment penalty. for example, if your loan is at 4.5% and they want to be able to count on that, they will charge a penalty to pay it off early. It's fairly unusual these days, but all I can think of (former banker)

    1. there's not supposed to be any prepayment penalty on either of these 2 loans I have. I'm still waiting for an answer to my inquiry on it.

  2. That's a worry about your mom not eating properly/not wanting to eat. Sometimes the food really isn't great and sometimes it's just a "today is a bad day" kinda thing isn't it. Keep the faith, I'm not sure what else you can do!

    1. I agree. This morning she commented she didn't sleep very good last night and I'm thinking probably because she was hungry from not eating much.

  3. Could your mom keep crackers, cheese, ready to eat canned food for days like that in her quarters? I wish the facility could at least serve soup and bread in such occasions.

    1. I'm going to see what the mgr says about other options and if it's not much of a solution, I'll have to figure out some things like you mentioned. I did several months ago get her a couple of frozen dinners for her freezer, but honestly I'm not even sure she remembers now how to use a microwave :/

  4. Warm food is good for her even if microwaved. If you got tv dinners and she could not remember how to use the microwave, would someone come help her? Or, just come up and do it? What she described would make me irritable!

    1. I'm sure if she called to the front desk, someone would help her with it.
