Saturday, February 13, 2021

To ipad or not to ipad?

It's really time to replace my ipad (mini). It's old and hasn't been able to do a software update in a very long time. I can rarely download any new apps to it as they are too new to be compatible. I had really hoped using my mom's "newer than mine" ipad mini would keep me going for awhile longer. Hers is a newer, but it has a problem charging. It's like the opening for the charger is loose and it keeps saying "not charging". I also went to download a new app to it and it is also now, too old. 

I had decided to get Starz channel for 6 months for $30 total and hoped to just watch my shows on one of the ipads.  If I'm having a day where I'm just doing a lot of menial type tasks at work, I like to turn it on and watch something while I'm working. Or watch a show during my lunch break. I'm sure I can get the app on my tv/Firestick, but I don't usually watch a lot of shows on there. DH will constantly interrupt me, so I find it annoying.

The new ipad minis are now $400 and are actually more expensive now than the regular ipads, at $329. I have LOVED my ipad mini for many years now. I use it every day. I read e-books, Facebook, other social media and internet browsing, apps to watch shows/movies, it's synced with my iphone where I can text through that or my phone, whichever I feel like, and email. When we were planning on building our house I used Pinterest on it so much.

But, I just can't get myself to spend between $300 and $400 for a new one. Right now about all I'm able to use mine for is ebooks and Facebook. It's too slow to browse the internet now and often crashes if I try. And it's now too old for the some of the apps I have (YouTubeTV and Starz) to watch shows/movies.

I'm investigating cheaper options and looking at the Amazon Fire tablet 10. Does any one have one of these and if so what things do you use it for? Pros and cons? especially if you've gone from an ipad to something else.

It's not really that I can't afford the ipad or ipad mini. I can. I just don't want to spend that much $$ if something cheaper will work just fine for my needs. But, I also keep reading reviews of the Fire Tablet and people will say I've had all the previous versions, or they just upgraded from the last one they got say 2 years ago. If I'm having to replace it in 2 years, compared to the 5 or 6 years I've had my ipad, well, then I'm not really saving money, am I?


  1. I use a Macbook and my tv/firestick combo - I cannot offer too much help alas. BUT, have you looked on the apple website for refurbished versions? Or best buy for refurbished ones? Sometimes those are cheaper - and they always get checked prior to resale.

    The issue is that Apple/Amazon start to ensure their devices are only good for 2-3 years!!

    1. you are probably right, they only make them to last a short time. Mainly I want the tablet size because that is what I use all the time to read books

    2. Oh they do! It's come out that Apple was putting in device software to slow down older phones :O If you don't need to sync apple devices, I would suggest the fire tablet if it is less costly!

    3. The fire tablet (without ads? weird) is like $110. I really don't need to snyc, but it was handy for texts

    4. without ads? Fascinating. Yeah, the texting aspect will not sync up on the Fire, so if you rely on it a lot, might have to go with the ipad - if not, I would say $110 is a great deal

  2. I have a iPad mini my DIL gave me years ago - I just use it to read ebooks at night - it will not do much else. I bought the regular iPad over a year ago and I love it. Does everything. I do read books on it sometimes- but really like the mini for reading. My husband uses fire tablets - and it seems he has to replace them every year or two.

    1. my ipad is at least 5 years old. probably 6 or more haha. It's gotten it's use, that's for sure

  3. I feel the same way as you do. I really don't want to spend a lot of money on something that will conk out in a couple of years (phones/ipads/computers etc.). And you're right, planned obsolescence is a thing isn't it!

    1. I'm guessing the ipad will last longer than the fire tablet, so maybe it's worth the $$

  4. I switched from a Fire tablet to and IPad many years ago and never regretted it. I know the fire tablet is more powerful now but I am all in on the Mac environment. The basic if you spend $400 and use it for 4 years ( easy to do ) it is less than $2/week. That is how i think about when I price new tech. I usually upgrade every two years because i use it for work and need to stay current but friends are still using an ipad i gave them about 5 years ago.

    1. I really love my ipad mini, it's been awesome and I do have an iphone, which I doubt I will ever change to android. If it wasn't for wanting to put those apps on mine to watch shows, it still works fine.

  5. I'm an Apple person myself, but I could not justify that amount for a tablet. I opted for an Amazon Fire tablet, being I have a huge kindle library. It's perfect for me. I have an MacBook for person computing, and Amazon Firestick for streaming. So, I would look into the Amazon Fire.

    1. Does your Fire tablet work ok if you wanted to use it for streaming videos and looking on Facebook? Those are the 3 main things I do, while relaxing on the sofa in the evenings.

  6. My iPad is probably the same age as yours, and will have to be replaced relatively soon. I know that Apple will sometimes give a credit if you turn in old products when you buy new. Or as someone else suggested look for refurbished ones. Or figure out the 'cost per day' of a new one. I suspect you'll decide it's worth it.

    1. I do like that cost per day or even year factor. Doesn't make it seem so bad, for how long the one I have has lasted.

  7. I'm an iPad kind of girl. I had a mini and wanted to pass it on to my son when I got my new one, but, like you've stated, it was too old to do anything much with. I went ahead and got the full sized iPad and don't regret it.

    1. that's what I'm leaning toward is the full size ipad. Do you use it to read books?
