Sunday, February 14, 2021

The 7 year itch

It's warming up. 9 degrees this morning haha. Back in the 30's tomorrow and maybe snow coming. DD's area, which rarely gets snow got dumped on Friday night and all day yesterday. They have a good foot of snow. It's been cold enough here this past week that part of the river is freezing

I got crafty yesterday. I'm not very crafty, but this was easy and turned out great, I think. I ordered this fake plant that came in an ugly plastic pot.

A few weeks ago I bought some jute rope and more glue sticks. I spent about 10-15 minutes and now have this. Much better :)

Then I was throwing away the dead carnations that came in this fairly large, red, plastic vase

What the heck - I still have rope and glue sticks left, so I got to work on it and now have this nice fake plant (I already had the greenery). I'm going to get more rope and glue sticks. We have a ton of plastic pots dh saved from garden plants we have bought. I can buy some more greenery and have a few more placed around my house. I'm also thinking a couple of cheap ceramic table lamps for bedside, covered with the rope would look cute in the guest room I only have one bedside lamp in.

Long story, that I'm not going to bother with since part of it is political opinion, but I was helping dh replace the 2 flags on our flagpole yesterday. Just as he's about to raise them the eagles that live nearby started chirping (or whatever their call sound is called). It chirped the whole time. I told dh they must approve, haha. When we got back inside I went to look through the telescope to see if they were at the nest and both were there sitting side by side. We have never seen them sitting right by each other before. It was pretty neat. So hard to get a picture and even harder video, LOL. I told dh see, now you wish I had gotten that adapter for the phone.

I also received the basket and throw blanket I ordered from Target. fills up some of the space there in the loft sitting area and I'm still playing around with how best to display the blanket in the basket. The basket is definitely not worth more than the $9.50 I paid for it and the blanket is not soft AT all. More the texture of a throw rug, haha. I did wash it, with fabric softener, which helped a tiny bit. So, display use only, which was pretty much what I got it for, I guess. It was only around $14, so you get what you pay for

I still need to find a floor lamp to go behind that chair and basket.

Dinner Friday was spaghetti. Dinner last night was leftover spaghetti. Win win. Tonight will be meatloaf. I'm going to have to go into town today for more milk and bananas.

I washed the bedding yesterday, so while it was all off, dh took off the mattress and box springs and I vacuumed and cleaned good under the bed. Black dog hair, of course. I also vacuumed the mattress and box springs.

My mom's place is starting up activities and dining room dining on Tuesday, so she is excited about that. It's been at least a month since she got to do exercise class and her other activities she enjoys.

Thanks to all who gave their opinion on ipad vs not ipad yesterday. I did some searching and see that Walmart has the ipad 10.2 inch for $299 (everywhere else is $329) so I think that is the one I will get. If it last as long as my ipad mini has, that only equates to a cost of about $50-$60 per year for it's use. I have a feeling if I get a Fire tablet, it will probably last half as long.

OK, I just figured out how long I have really had my ipad mini..........7 years!! LOL. I did a search on my facebook posts and saw the post I made when I got it (birthday gift from dd). 2014, haha. Definitely got the use out of it, don't you think?


  1. Things are coming together with the furnishings. As long as you have jute and glue, you are I might try that with Gorilla glue. NOT! I took a friend's lamp, tore paper bags, glued in on and it looked like leather. She did not have to buy a lamp. 2" or less pieces stuck to lamp and each other nicely.

    1. LOL, that's what my hubby said when I got down to my last glue stick. I just the other day saw a video of someone making "leather" out of paper bags and thought it was so neat.

  2. I love what you did with the vase and plastic pot! So creative!
