Friday, February 1, 2019

I'm ready to just sleep all weekend

Well, so much for the extra approximately $5000 we were going to save on the drywall/tape & texture portion of our construction costs.  The contractor has it all one line amount. When the drywall bill came in, DH asked him how much the tape/texture guy would cost. Contractor said "he said it will be $5,000-$6000".  We finally breathed a huge sigh of relief that something was available to to towards all the overages.  Last night DH was talking with the taping guy - he said he told the contractor it will be $10,500. WHAT IN THE $*#&?!  Is our contractor just a total screw up or what. Oh well, I knew it was too good to be true.  It just seems very suspicious that after the drywall bill there was almost exactly $10,500 left in the budget for the taping.....coincidence?

DH talked with the framing guy, who still has to build our staircase, and now that is going to be more...gee- we only showed the contractor pictures of what we wanted, several times, even emailed the picture.  But, of course he couldn't estimate using black bolts and bracing, which will cost about an extra $100 per stair, vs. him using galvanized.

I gave the contractor a check for concrete work (because he used up all our money allocated on the shop construction loan for other overages that was supposed to cover all the concrete work) the day after Christmas for $1450. He still hasn't cashed the check. At first I thought he was probably holding onto it to wait and deposit it in 2019, because he didn't want to claim the income in 2018. It still hasn't been cashed. I was going to ask him about it, but he's been such a douche-bag, I'm thinking I'm just going to ignore it. Of course, I have already taken it out of my checking balance, the day I wrote it.

Found out yet another couple we are friends with are moving out from where we used to live. This family is going to Arizona. Including us, that makes 6 that have left the area, and there are another two guy friends who are in the planning stages. Seems like a pretty high percentage of friends leaving that area, but I guess that could be skewed since we don't have a lot of friends, haha! The ones that have moved are all very happy and realize there is a lot more "normal" life that doesn't include drug dealers and addicts next door, homeless camped all around and in your town, etc.


  1. I always said I wouldn't have the nerves to build a house - and you've just confirmed why! I couldn't deal with that stress but you seem to be pretty cool headed! I expect your husband is slightly more twitchy though from what you say. As for moving, my parents inherited a small amount from my uncle which allowed them to move out of the area I grew up in. It wasn't drug addicts and such but was no longer very nice. I always felt sorry for those left behind who, for one reason or another, couldn't get out.

    1. It's definitely a test of nerves and patience.

  2. It is obvious that you are very good at keeping track of the books. Unfortunately, it also sounds like your builder is doing the same and is trying to make sure he spends every dime of your budget. Ugh.

    I don't blame you and your former neighbors for getting the he!! out of dodge. I can't imagine all the crime has helped the property values any either. You were fortunate to get out when you did.

    1. two of the friends were from our neighborhood area, the rest are just from the metro area, but it's all bad there. The town my DD lives in actually passed a no loitering law around all the shopping areas and that has helped their area quite a bit. Before that she wouldn't even go to the Walgreens because of all the druggies hanging around it.
