Wednesday, February 13, 2019


It was time to do a little "spring cleaning" on my blog list of blogs I like to read. I noticed about 7 of them have not blogged in months. So, I sadly removed them. I didn't remove Linda with Practical Parsimony....according to updates from Sluggy, she is still working on trying to get back to blogging.

And I added a few new blogs I have been reading lately.  I do from time to time, like to check out other's blog list, so that I can also find new blogs to enjoy reading. I think that is how I found these. Either that, or when I get a commenter that isn't someone I recognize as a regular, I check to see if they have a blog link and check out their blog.

One in awhile I toss around the idea of changing my blog name, haha! With the kids grown and gone now, I don't feel like I'm so much a "family" anymore, since it's just me and DH now (and the doggos). But, figuring out  how to change it, without causing too much confusion, hasn't been on my list of priorities this past year. Well, that and I haven't come up with a new blog name that strikes my fancy, either.

On an unrelated topic, I follow a Facebook page that is for our town. People post things for sale, upcoming events, etc. I am just amazed at how people will post something for sale and not clean it up or make it look nice in the picture. They are all like that. Some used car guy (from the city) uses it to post pics of auto's for sale. For goodness sake, is it that hard to take a broom and sweep off all the snow on the car before you take a picture of it?! Someone will post a couch for sale.......complete with all their laundry and kids toys all over it. Is it that hard to pull the stuff off and take a good picture of it?! And don't even get me started on the places people will post on homes for sale. OMG! I see the same thing on zillow, when I just look around it to see what is for sale. Is it really that hard to clean up your place?!

4 months ago I took DH off of unafforable healthcare insurance and put him on a short term plan. It was a 4 month (the longest available). So, it's time to get another plan going starting March. I see now I can get the same plan again, but for a 6 month term now. The application/sign up process is quick, so I still have a bit of time this month to still get it done. I'm going to do a search of all available plans and see if any are even longer than 6 months (I don't think so, at least for this state). We are saving almost $6000 a year by dumping Obamacare. I'm still ticked that Trump and the Republicans seem to have just let this promise of reform to Obamacare just slide away.  While I approve of what Trump has managed to accomplish with this country, so far, health insurance was one of the main reasons I voted for him.


  1. Hmmm let me check out your new blogs. I did the same thing a few months ago. Some bloggers just leave and I miss them.

    1. If you come across any good blogs to read, let me know :)

  2. I too will go thru the blog list I have and clear out the inactive ones. There is one blogger that I really loved following, and then she stopped. She had twins and had recently moved. I wonder how she is doing.

    1. I think that was Misty, right? I enjoyed reading her blog, too

  3. Phew, I survived spring cleaning. Thanks for keeping me around!

    Blog names can be interesting. Some make complete sense while others have left me scratching my head.

    When we were looking online at homes for sale, we did not go and check out those that couldn't bother to clean up their messes for their pictures. I felt it was a likely indication of how they maintained the home itself.

    I haven't lost faith in President Trump. Our country is so much better off than it was under the former administration. Obama made a complete mess out of health care and it will take some time (and cooperation) to clean it up. Glad you found a way to save on the premiums.

    1. You better keep posting! I only took off the ones that haven't posted in several months. In our small town/county there's only like one real estate office. Their listings and the pics they take are so bad. It's almost like a grade school kid did them. Needless to say we used our guy from the city, LOL.

      I just hope I can continue to purchase the short term plans until this gets fixed into something affordable...or hey, with the Green New Deal, it won't matter, right?! (OMG!!!!)

  4. I so enjoy your blog and supporting our President!! Belinda

    1. Thank you! Did you watch his rally in El Paso the other night? That crowd was loud!
