Thursday, February 21, 2019

Lies, lies, lies

Sure a lot of lying going on lately. Now it's the painter lady. She showed up, with her 2 sons, yesterday to start work at 10:15. DH told her he was waiting on the insulation guy, who was on his way, to come look in the attic area (as we are working on resolving a ventilation and humidity issue). If it looked good, she was good to go to start spraying/painting (which will increase the humidity in the house). Of course she had prep work of taping and covering in plastic to do first anyway, so this was not holding her up any. Insulation guy showed up a half hour later, said all looked good, and he and DH told her she was good to go with painting/spraying.

At 2pm she leaves! She barely worked 4 hours. First off, all these subs complain and complain how it's so far "out here" but they drive all this way and then work only a few hours! Just dumb. We had no idea why she left so early....maybe she had to go get more supplies before they closed?

By 10am this morning she still had not shown up. Another thing - we are paying to keep this temporary furnace running so it's warm enough to do all this work inside (tape and texturing, painting) and are getting really tired of paying for it 24/7, while they all work 4 hours a day.  A little after 10, DH had had enough of this slow process of doing all this work on our house. He called the contractor. Said she only worked 4 hours yesterday and is not here today. The contractor said that painter lady told him she left early yesterday because DH told her to stop spraying (she is putting primer on first) because the humidity level was getting to high! DH was like OMG! I said NO such thing ever to her.  That is a flat out lie she told him.

About 10 minutes later contractor calls back and said he called her on it. Apparently she kind of himhawed and back tracked about why she left early yesterday (while she's on her way here).  Contractor said he told her she is getting the primer part completed today. She then said "well, I don't have enough primer there to finish it today". OMG! Contractor then said to her why not? she said she said she didn't want to buy too much....he said he told her "we use primer on every house we do, it will get used! Not to mention it's on his account, not coming out of her pocket!". Contractor said he told her she needs to be done with the painting by next Tuesday, as the flooring is going on on Wednesday.

She pulled in about 10:15, as DH was talking to the contractor. At noon her car leaves. went out in the house and she was still there. She had to send her son all the way back to the city to get more primer! OMG! Why would you not get more and bring it with you before you came out here, already knowing you don't have enough?!  Such poor time management by all of these folks. Awhile back she told DH the house only needs to be 40 degrees inside to paint. Yesterday she told him it has to be 60.  Make up your mind.

I am so ready to be done with all these people, that's for sure.


  1. Oh my goodness that would drive me insane. When that kind of stuff has happened to me I think "damn it, if you don't want the job just say so". Don't agree to do a job then do a half-assed thing of it!

    1. exactly! and she was the one, apparently, asking the contractor for the job! And of course, like DH said, if we call her out on it or try to get more work out of these dingbells, they will just do a crap job. One thing that DH does not put up with from people is lying.

  2. oh how frustrating!! that would do my head in - sounds like shes just trying to drag out the job.

    1. I think that's what they do. They are getting paid good money, so hey, let's just do it on their time schedule of working 4-5 hours a day.

  3. These people are supposed to be adults, right? Wishing you lots of patience.

  4. Stuff like this is what gives contractors a bad name. Some people. Ugh! Just keep your eye on the prize of a beautiful new home. I didn't get a chance to comment on a previous about your garage doors. They look great!

    1. yes, eye on the prize, eye on the prize...just repeat repeat repeat, LOL.
