Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Here we go again

Well, here we go again. I guess DS's newest girlfriend is now pregnant! What. In. The. Hell.!! He's only been with her several months. She's like 39 years old! with 2 kids already (like 17 and 6). Just. Dumb. DS can't even take care of or support himself.  Just shaking my head. We haven't heard from him since Christmas Eve, when we talked to him when his Grandma just passed away. Had hoped he would keep in touch, but no.

I texted DD to tell her, but she was working, and couldn't respond right then, so then I texted my half-sis. She's just like me, haha. She says "is she on Facebook, can I creep her?" She said the same thing I was thinking. Last week she was making posts whining about not being treated right on Valentine's Day....then this week it's "I'm pregnant!".  Then DD texted me back. She hasn't heard from him anymore either, so she didn't know.  She felt the same as me. I think her exact words were "Good Lord". Yup. Enough said.

Back to regularly scheduled programming. It's a repeat/rerun of most other days, LOL.  There are supposed to be 3 separate crews working here today. It's almost 10 am and not a one has shown up yet. Gosh, this is getting old! They'll all show up in the next half hour or so. Take an hour lunch and all leave around 4 or 4:30.

Our garage doors are on, though. At least there's that.
When Dh was talking on the phone to our contractor yesterday, contractor said "I've got 11 houses to build and they all want to get started March or April". I told DH he should have said "ya? well,  how about you get the house finished you started LAST April?!!!!!!!!!

Is it Friday yet?


  1. Your public service is taking root...I will never have a house built. I just would pull my hair out. Of course, I will never have such a nice, yours looks so nice!

    1. Thank you! It's been a challenge of patience, that's for sure.

  2. Your house is looking magnificent. Hopefully once you are in and the builders are nothing more than a memory, you can experience pleasure after all the pain inflicted by the building process. With regards to the GF being pregnant - what puzzles me in this day and age is how many girls seem to think that's the way to keep your man. I've got two young family members who have gone down that track and I shack my head at their cluelessness.

    1. Thank you! that's what we keep saying...someday these annoying people will be a memory and we'll be enjoying our home. The GF pregnant is strange to me too, especially for her age! She's a grown woman with a daughter who is almost an adult, for goodness sake. Sadly, for the baby's sake, I doubt this will be a way to keep DS. I really doubt it is.

  3. O my God This is Best House even in my whole life good idea about develop the new house thanks to dive me idea. if in winter you need the Garage door openers north shore i will give special offer and give 30% discount from our local charges .

  4. Despite all the trials and tribulations your house is coming along beautifully. It's going to be stunning when it's finished. And as for your son, I'm so sorry. I was hoping for you that he would keep in touch after his grandma died but obviously he has other thoughts. He has some growing up to do as you say but I also don't understand her. When your kids are almost grown up I just don't get having another one, particularly with someone who she has just so recently hooked up with. Don't they know how contraception works! Like you say, I don't think having a baby was ever a recipe to keep a man (ask the Kardashians).

    1. It just boggles my with the other gf who got pregnant (and miscarried) - I just feel sorry for the child that will be born :(. Did I mention that that other GF (from a couple years ago) got pregnant with her next BF?

    2. Crikey, you did mention that she had lost the baby but not about the next pregnancy. Women can be so stupid sometimes. That's like 15 year olds trying to get pregnant because "babies are cute". Sure they are, but hard work, expensive, demanding … Oh dear.

    3. Not to mention that previous GF was in her mid 30's and already had a 10 year old kid. What are they EVEN thinking?!

  5. I've lurked on your blog for years - and just read an article that somebody has started a petition to sell Montana to Canada for 1 trillion. I can just imagine your reaction... (It would mean no more obamacare for you, and the spelling of neighbour would change...)

    1. Link to one of the news articles:

    2. DH's sister sent him and his brother that article link last night. We all had a good laugh and jokes over it. LOL We'll all have to start saying "eh"!
