Saturday, February 23, 2019


Yeeesh! We will be glad to be rid of this painter lady. She's ticked the contractor told her she had to work this weekend (and more than 4 hours on Friday!) to get this done by Monday. She worked a whole 5.75 hours on Friday. If she had worked full days Wed, Thurs and yesterday she wouldn't have had to work this weekend! She's been bringing her 2 sons to help, today her hubby came too. (He works for the contractor, mostly doing finish work). DH has been out there a few times this morning, says she's on full B^%% mode.

She doesn't like the paint color, either. LOL. Like I really care?! I'm paying you a buttload to paint it, not for your opinion, LOL.

Pictures don't always show color well, but here is the sitting loft being painted and my office all painted.  The color is Sherwin Williams Sand Dollar, which seems an apt description of the color. It is the same color that had been used in our house in town.

To me, it's just a nice neutral color that isn't too dark. Whatever. LOL. I think it will look great with the wood (and some carpet) flooring, as well as the wood stained doors and trim. I think it will go nicely with the mainly rustic look I am going for. It's a very similar color I had painted some rooms in our old house we lived in all those years.

We went to the city later yesterday afternoon to get our grocery shopping done, as they are predicting a bunch of snow and we wanted to get it done and be prepared. I'm playing the Monopoly game with the store and so far have won several donuts/bagels and won a $5 store gift card. Plus, they were apparently having a promotion for extra Just4You rewards and I now have 11 rewards, which is equivalent to $15 off my next trip.

The light fixtures are on their way and tracking shows delivery on Wednesday, so that should be perfect - unless all the snow its and it gets delayed, but then the electricians probably won't come either, if it snows that much.


  1. The color is a nice neutral. I will only paint my walls a neutral color, perhaps darker but still very neutral. I am secretly toying with painting my bedroom navy, since I hear it is a neutral now.

    1. maybe just try one wall with the navy as an accent wall?

  2. thats a good neutral colour, as we paint rooms we are using a similar colour as it goes easily with everything. We have previously had lots of different colours on walls in our house but now we're getting too old to paint every few years so neutral it is!

    1. I don't know how just about any neutral color wouldn't look good, LOL. I may eventually repaint the guest bathroom or a bedroom a different color, but for now I just wanted it all neutral. I don't want the focus to be the wall, LOL.

  3. I love the color. My home is a shade lighter than that because it is a small apartment. I actually like darker colors. How long do you think you have till you can move in and spend your first night there? I can imagine how lovely it will be to have a cup of coffee and a piece of pie in your new kitchen.

    1. Thank you. I have no real idea how much longer. At least a month I'd say. probably closer to two, the slow way they all work around here.

  4. That painter lady is something else! I love the color and think it will go well with your rustic look.

    On another note, I see there is a petition to sell your state to Canada in order to help pay down the national debt. My state also borders Canada. Hopefully we aren't next. Lol

  5. OMG, paint colors are such a trial. If you find a neutral you like, I say go for it. You can repaint in 15 years if you get tired of it. LOL. And who cares what the crazy contractor painter thinks? Soon they'll be out of your hair forever - trust me. It will be a GLORIOUS day. haha

  6. I like the color. I did one house taupe and one gray. If I ever paint another I would pick color like yours. Neutral and warm.
