Monday, February 18, 2019

About nothing in particular

No work holiday for me today, which is fine. Most of the companies we do business with are also working, so it's a business as usual day.

The tape and texture guy finished up yesterday afternoon....but he still has to come back...he didn't bring his trailer with him so he could take all his "stuff" (tools, scaffolding, etc) with him. It's Monday afternoon and he still hasn't come back.

The garage door installers just showed up.  We weren't expecting them until tomorrow. It will be really nice to see garage doors on, rather than sheets of plastic! As they are installing the panels of the first door they are to the top and DH says "what about the windows?" They guy (he's same one who did shop and he's kind of a know it all) says "ya, they go on the top". DH says, no, they go down one row.......just like the shop doors, so they match!".  LOL.

I'm still trying to daily hit my goal with M-Turks. The weekend wasn't too lucrative. I only got .50 cents on Saturday and none yesterday. But, this morning, there was quite a few available and so far today I've managed to earn $10.62 Probably my highest daily amount, so far. Wish every day was like that. I did just read a tip that people accept a bunch of hits at once and then work on them, one by one, since you usually have time to complete. This way by the time they get done with one, the other hit's are gone/taken. I'll have to see if I can figure out how to accept several at once. I know when I first logged in this morning there were several high dollar surveys. I picked one and when I got done most of the ones I had first seen were now gone.

I video chatted with DD yesterday, so that was nice. We text, every day, off and on all day, but still nice to see and hear her sometimes! I talked to my mom on the phone this afternoon. She is dong well, and is getting her tax documents copied to mail me, so I can do her tax return for her. Last year she had a neighbor do it, which turned into me having to re-do her return, because it was done wrong. So, I have her back on track for me to do it. I had told her, after last year, that I am ok if she doesn't want me to do it, but then she should have someone licensed and bonded to do taxes....not some lady she barely knows, who could easily steal her identity!  DH still talks to his dad almost every day. His house still hasn't gotten listed yet. I guess all the snow hit them and the agent couldn't get it done, though now it's been over a week since then, and still not listed.

I have my lighting picked out. It's through Lowe's, but some have it for sale on ebay. Someone had one of the mini pendant lights on auction....for $64 (they sell for $79 at Lowes) OR best offer. So, I offered $60 and it was declined. OMG. Why bother even putting in that option if you aren't going to accept $4 less, LOL. Kind of ticked me off, so I didn't buy it, LOL. It wasn't like I was trying to low ball them!


  1. Woo hoo for the garage doors! More progress!

    1. yay for (sloooowww) progress, LOL. Painter is supposed to start tomorrow. Wooo!
