Friday, February 15, 2019

Flooring decisions

Yesterday afternoon Bob, the flooring guy came out again, to do final measurements. And I still hadn't finalized the flooring for bathrooms and laundry. Thankfully he brought a few samples :). He also brought his wife with him. She's as nice as he is. I'd say they are both in their 60's. I was wondering if he owns the flooring store and he does. They said their son will be the one installing our wood laminate flooring.

Last time he was here, the upstairs was getting framed, and now with all the changes to the upstairs floor plan, he had to re-measure a few areas.

Here is all my flooring samples laid out on the scaffolding. Not the greatest picture, but you get the general idea of what I have picked out
The left is the entry way tile, wood laminate through great room, dining, kitchen and den. Carpet in bedrooms, office and sitting room. Far right is bathroom and laundry room vinyl (kind of a stone look). Supposedly flooring is scheduled to start getting put in around March 1st. Soon!

The tape/texture guy keeps complaining how far (45 miles) it is to come out here.....yet if he'd take all the stinking days he only worked partial days, he could have been done 3 days ago! These people around here are something else, I tell ya. He showed up yesterday at 8am, sat in his pickup for 45 minutes (must have been on the phone), then left at like 1pm and was gone for the day. He said he was going to get lunch in town, never came back.

We just shake our heads and laugh when they complain about a 40 minute drive from the city. While my DD messages me that her 20 mile drive home from work took an hour and 20 minutes, because of traffic mess. These people don't know anything about long drives, LOL.

This morning taper guy pulls in at 8am. Sends DH a text message saying good morning. He didn't realize he had a warrant out in our county (from like 15 years ago) and he spent the night in the jail cell! Not even sure if we believe that (he came in this morning from other direction) as a week or so ago DH heard our little county jail was closed again, due to lack of staff. Not to mention on Monday he had told DH he was going to finish the inside by Wednesday, then go to another job he had on Thursday and come back and do our garage our guess is he really took off and went to that other job for the afternoon. Who knows. He did just explain to DH how it all transpired, so I guess it's possible. He said he went to town for lunch, got pulled over by not using turn signal. Found out about the warrant from when he was 22 years old. Went to jail. Called his dad in the city to come out and he paid the fine. Then he had to go back to the city and get cleaned up and change clothes to work this morning.

Just 2-3 more days of this guy and he will be gone out of our hair!!

It pretty much won't stop snowing. Our neighbor ended up driving his wife into work this morning and sounds like he will just stay in the city all day until she gets off. At least it's Friday and she gets the next couple of days off.

Today I was able to use my $10 Kohl's cash earned from buying DH's tennis shoes. I picked out a bathroom rug set on clearance. Regularly $40 and I got it for $4 after $10 and 30% off. And free shipping.

The color is "linen". I'm thinking to use them in the upstairs guest bathroom. From the description and reviews it sounds like it's pretty soft and plush.

TGIF!! It's been a long week with this stupid sinus crap. Plus today is my half work day Friday. Yay!


  1. I like your colors! Will the painting be done prior to the flooring going in? Had to laugh about people complaining about driving. We hear the exact same thing where we live. The majority of the homes on our road are seasonal for this very reason.

    1. Hi, yes the painting will be done first. She is supposed to get started next Wednesday (she's on vacation). She will paint and stain, while her hubby installs the trim that she stains. I chose a "golden pecan" for the stain on the doors and wood trim.

  2. Love the wood laminate. I am thinking of re-doing the floors within a year. What I had been mostly eyeing were very similar to yours. My current floors are a bit lighter. Once you move in, will make a happy dance for you from across the ocean. Your patience has been amazing.

    1. It will be so nice to start seeing some more interior progress and changes soon

  3. Ha! Had to laugh at the taper's story. Honestly, after working with multiple construction people in the past 20 years, I would guess he's not lying. We needed a drywaller when we finished off our lower level a few years ago. When we asked our neighbor about the guy he had used the previous summer, it turned out he wasn't available because he was in jail. Contractors are a curious bunch.

    1. they aren't the most upstanding citizens, that's for sure. We haven't confirmed it, but pretty sure our little county jail in town is still closed. It closes quite often because they have trouble finding staff....because they only want to pay jail guards like $11 an hour, LOL.

  4. Tile and stone are still number one for bathrooms and kitchens. Getting a tile setter that leaves a perfect level can be difficult, therefor getting a flooring installation expert who is a tile setter is very, very important. We make sure that only true journeyman take on any of you’re tiling projects. We do residential and commercial spaces. If you want more info click here link : Flooring contractors
