Thursday, February 14, 2019

Winter wonderland

It's been pretty much snowing non-stop since last night. DH has plowed twice already this morning, starting at 6am. We weren't sure if the tape and texture guy was even going to show up today (he was supposed to be all done today.....BAHAHA!) and finish getting the garage textured, because the contractor is sending someone out the paint it, because the garage door guys are coming next week to hang the doors. He did finally show up. He's still got several days of work to finish the house, but DH needed the garage finished so the door install appointment stays on track.

The river has ice chunks floating down it.

DH had loaned our neighbor his fancy "snow plow shovel" to try out. Neighbor liked it so much they ordered one for themselves. And then of course he kept telling DH he'll give him the new one when it arrives and he'll keep ours. He is such a funny guy and not super handy with tools, which he freely admits. All's he had to tighten all the bolts was a crescent wrench. DH said give it me and he took it back to our shop and got everything all snug and tight. and wouldn't let him give us the new one, of course. Ours is fine, LOL.

Finally, 2 e-books have shook loose from the reserve category and I have something to read again. And now I can add two more to the hold list limit. Any recommendations?

My sinus's are starting to feel better today. Headache is mostly gone. Hopefully this is the direction it's headed now and the worst is over.  

I was getting ready to pay some bills for mid-month. For almost a year now I've been mailing a $95/mo payment to the local sanican company because we have to have one on site here for the workers. I mail it with a stamp every month. Suddenly, I thought to myself, why am I not just sending them the payment through my online banking? Saving a .50 stamp! Done.


  1. Replies
    1. Happy Valentine's Day! Dh and I joked this morning. We aren't big Vday celebrators. We passed each other in the bathroom this morning. He said happy stupid Valentine's Day and I said ya...whatever LOL

  2. I hope you keep feeling better. sinus headaches are the worst because you're battling multiple issues. I am over the snow and longing for spring.

    1. it's getting there. I did wake up with a headache this morning, darn it. I just have to remind myself it's almost the week of it, maybe a few more days (at least that's how it usually is). Thanks for the well wishes!

  3. I wondered whether or not your river froze. Seeing the water flowing along with the ice chunks must be so peacful. Just curious, what is across the river (private land, state land, etc.)?

    Good news, you are saving a nickel more as stamps went up by 5 cents! Lol

    1. it hasn't frozen as much this winter as it did the first winter we were here, but it is pretty and peaceful. Across the river is state land and the railroad, so there will never be anything built. You can just see the trains going by a little bit through some spots in the trees. We like the train sound, though we can't hear it too much. Just kind of a low hum as it goes by. Across the road is all state land and each end of our little 7 lot subdivision is 20 acres of state land.

  4. I wish, it snowed here too. Although it is very cold, 43 degrees F, 6 degrees Celsius, there is no snow in the forecast. Enjoy your beautiful view.
