Monday, February 11, 2019

It's that time of year

It appears my annual winter sinus headache has arrived. It will last about a week or so and advil nor tylenol help one bit. Of course, I didn't think I have any sinus meds, since I only need them one week a year. Then this morning I remembered I have a box of misc bathroom stuff in a drawer and found some. That will at least help a little bit getting through this week.

I haven't read a book in a week now. Eeek! The only ebook in my borrowed bookshelf on my ipad is one I started but didn't read very long. I'm sure it's a good book, but I am tired of reading stories about WWII Europe. I've read so many the past couple of years.

So, I found a couple of movies to watch on Netflix, instead. Both were good. The first was The Hundred-Yard Journey, about a family from India who moves to a village in France and opens a restaurant. Helen Mirren owns a fancy french restaurant across the street. Can't go wrong with her in a movie. And the other was Wild Oats, with Shirley MacLaine and Jessica Lange. Sweet and funny, heartwarming movies.

But, I need some books to come off my hold list and give me something to read! It's getting ridiculous how hard it is to borrow a dang book anymore. I'm allowed to reserve 20 books and I have it filled up. Some of the books have been on hold since November! and it's not like they are new releases that everyone wants to read.

That's all I've got today - trying to work with a headache. Going to be a long day...........


  1. I hate sinus headaches! Hope you feel better soon. I am in a reading frenzy right now. It is what I like best about winter.

    1. of course right after I posted this one of my on hold books got released! Same thing last week when I complained about M-turks I suddenly got a whole bunch of hits. Maybe I need to complain I haven't won the lottery ;)

  2. Those sinus headaches can be terrible. Have you ever tried taking ibuprofen and tylenol together? That combination is my go-to whenever I'm in pain and (at least for me) it works better than taking them separately.

    And for the record, I haven't won the lottery either. Ugh. So wrong! Okay, now perhaps I need to go buy a ticket. Lol

    1. I haven't tried that combo with the sinus headaches. DH does sometimes take both, if he's in a lot of pain. I'll give taking both those a try and see if it helps. thanks for the suggestion.

    2. The advil and tylenol together did help quite a bit! For some reason when I'm having sinus headaches I also feel it in my neck and now it's not quite so bad.

  3. I got sick this year with a head cold and have been sick a week! I bet your physical library too inconvenient to go get a physical book. That's crazy how difficult to get e book!

    1. ya, it's a really small library in town plus the roads are covered in snow. I should go knock on my neighbors door - she has a whole room full of books! LOL.

  4. Can you reserve books in your hubby"s name? Sinus headaches are the woest.

  5. he doesn't have a library card (not a book reader) and the card I have in my name I've had for a million years from where we used to live. Still works for borrowing e-books :)
