Monday, February 25, 2019

Well, this is annoying

It's been a busy and now frustrating day. About a month ago, when the cabinet lady needed my appliance measurements, I went on Lowe' and picked out the appliances I want. I wrote down all the model numbers, so I'd have them handy when I'm ready to order. OMG! So, I just get back online (not quite ready to order, but wanted to check on something) and now 3 out of the 4 appliances are no longer available at Lowes! It's only been a month, not like I chose these all last year. I'm so frustrated!! Especially because now I either need to try to find the exact same thing through another store or find something same size, as those are the measurements I need to use.  Ugh! I'm not in the mood.

I'll bet it's snowed 4 inches in the last 4 hours.  Supposed to continue through tomorrow morning. I don't envy these workers having to drive home in it this afternoon (but maybe if they would've showed up before 11am.....) and especially don't envy our 67 year old neighbor lady having to drive home from work this evening! She mentioned one time that she has friends in the city she can stay with overnight it it's really bad. I'd say this probably qualifies as that!

I found something new to watch on Amazon Prime. Doctor Who. A bit of a quirky show. I kind of vaguely remember watching some episodes when I was a kid (many! years ago) but I think I was too young and couldn't figure it out, LOL. I don't think I could sit and binge watch it for hours, but to catch an episode when I can't find anything else to watch or read, is a good little distraction every now and again.

The staircase is getting started. Not really much to show via a picture yet. They've only got two steps done LOL.  It sure will be a big "chunky" thing though! I'm excited the dogs will finally be able to go check out the upstairs, soon.

Well, off to figure out how/what/where to get the appliances I thought I was going to get.............


  1. That is frustrating. In this country most appliances(ovens,diswashers, most washing machines and dryers) are one standard size with the exception of refrigerators and freezers. The ones that are not the standart size are usually fancy, expensive stuff.

    1. well, standard sizes sure would make sense wouldn't it?!

  2. I wonder if the appliances might still be available in-store? My experience is that these stores often don't seem to even know what they have on hand.

    Can't wait to see the picture of your staircase. I'm sure it will be quite the show piece!

    1. according to online inventory, they aren't in store. When I looked at the store awhile back, they only had like 2 cook tops (and expensive ones) and I didn't see any wall oven/microwave combo's.

  3. Oh Lordy, more snow. I used to get so nervous seeing it coming down and knowing I had to struggle through traffic to get home. There would always be accidents, usually caused by some eejit who thought he could still drive at 110 km an hour in 10 cm of snow! Don't miss that at all. My lovely colleague always used to say I could stay at his place in town but I always made it thankfully. Snow is beautiful - but only in the mountains! And good luck with the appliances. As your other commenter said, most appliances over here are standard sizes but it is still a hassle isn't it!

    1. we got dumped on with snow yesterday. Probably a foot of it. Thankfully it's not snowing today.
