Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Not much exciting going on today. I'm trying to get payroll done, but keep getting interrupted by DH and the construction guy.  Goodness, we thought he had how the stairs will be built all figured out when he was framing the house (at least he said he did). Then he comes in to get started yesterday and tells us the staircase is going to go into where our seating area is in front of the fireplace. Well, that's dumb and not what we want!

So, finally it got figured out to change the staircase layout some. Then, for some reason this morning, once he got most of it built, he realized he can make the entrance to to up the stairs where we wanted them, LOL. Then it's "we can put a post here...or here...or here.." type of stuff. So, it's all turning out ok.  For the most part, I think I like it better than how we originally thought it was going to be.

So, the framer and his brother went and stayed in the motel in town last night (they worked until 6pm) so they didn't have to drive all the way home on these really bad roads. So, you'd think then they would have been here by 8am? Nope, LOL. Made it by 9 am.

The contractor's side kick is here today (painter lady's hubby), grinding down spots on the floor sheeting, which needs to be done before the flooring can be put down. WHAT A MESS that makes. Dust everywhere. I don't even see how the staircase guys can stand to work in there with that. The way they do stuff just makes no sense. There is major dust everywhere now. So, we have these finished/painted walls, that dust is just sticking to now. They've only known since last Fall, after all the heavy rains made the plywood sheeting swell up in spots that they were going to have to come back in and grind down. Why not do that BEFORE finish work is being done?! Then the guy says he's just going to do the parts where laminate and vinyl is going down (this week) and do the carpet areas (our bedroom and upstairs) later, when he comes back to do our trim work...DH is like just do it all today! it's a fricken mess and you want to come in and do the master bedroom and upstairs grinding (which part of the upstairs is just open loft to below) after all that flooring gets in and make a big huge mess with dust on all that? Good grief. Not to mention, none of them want to be the one to clean up the dust!

It snowed like crazy yesterday. We probably got a foot of snow. Kept DH busy plowing. He could barely keep up with it. Sounds like tomorrow might be another bad day. I'm sure that's why the flooring hasn't been delivered today, like it was supposed to. I had asked the flooring guy about it needing to be brought in and opened up, so it can acclimate. He said they were going to bring it in Tuesday, give it 24 hours, and then his guy will start installing tomorrow....I'm not sure what is going on now, haven't heard, but I'm sure it does need to be acclimated at least some before they install it.

That's about all I know for today.


  1. Good about the happy accident of the stairway! Hope the next few days go well and things start winding down.

    1. Yes it is! I'm really happy with how it's turning out. I'll post a pic tomorrow :)

  2. laminate needs at least 48 hours to acclimate but vinyl doesn’t need any. That’s what we were told by our installers and it also says that online. I would be leary about letting your installers rush it.

  3. Bless your hearts, this will all be worth it. Just keep saying it.

  4. Oh the stairway story made me laugh. Good thing that he figured it out the way you want it. Don't these people have plans and drawings to look at before they start work? Amazing..

    1. we had plans, with the staircase. I really don't know why it turned into such a big deal - other than maybe because we decided on a timberframe type open staircase and that made it bigger than the plans. But, we thought he had measured/figured it out when he was here framing the house, months ago.

  5. Good grief. You'd think the staircase would have been figured out long before the install. lol Glad you are still getting what you want. I'm sure it will be amazing when it is all finished.

    1. We thought it was! Oh well, it's done now, LOL.
