Thursday, January 31, 2019

Really boring post

Not a heck of a lot happening today that's of any interest, that's for sure.  I'm plugging away at work - trying to get caught up with an ongoing part of my work. I should be completely caught up with it by the end of February. I gradually got behind when other/new work got added to my plate this past year or so, but that work is gone, so I'm starting to see myself get caught up again, which is nice.  Our company isn't too hot on paying overtime, otherwise I'd have done OT to get caught up a long time ago!

Our neighbors left for a trip out of town today, so they asked us yesterday if DH could plow their driveway, IF we happen to get dumped on with snow, while they are gone. They have a friend who always comes over twice a day to feed their dogs, when they go out of town, but I guess last winter they left and snow dumped and she couldn't get her car down their driveway and her husband shoveled a walk path all the way to their house! I said of course! DH will plow it.  It doesn't sound too likely though that we are going to get that much, if any snow, though.

I've been kind of exhausted this week. Partly from really focusing on work and even working thru lunch breaks, but mostly because DH has been exhausting to listen to constantly complain about everything. He wears me out. Oh well, both problems shall pass....and then I'll just be normally tired, LOL.

It really is going to be several months before this house gets done. I can't believe our contractor told us he'd get this house built in 4 months. We honestly thought it would take 6 months. We are now a month past 4 months and still months to go. What a joke. By the time it gets done we will be into this build for shop and house for probably at least 15 months. Pretty ridiculous, really.

DH's dad continues to hang on. He's still at SIL's house, which I am glad. Other than when she went on vacation for a week and he had to go stay at some other place. DD and her fiance were spending the weekend at his parents, in same town, so they went and visited FIL and had a nice long visit for several hours, last weekend. She told me they found out yesterday that the person that got her fiance's sister's heart (organ donation) would like to meet them.

12 days and all is good still with the dog that was puking early mornings. I give him a couple of milk bone biscuits when I go to bed, so I guess that gives him something in his stomach to absorb the acids during the night. 


  1. Pretty sure your dh and mine must be related. I often feel the same way. Lol I feel for you, living in such tight quarters. You are a real trooper!

    My SIL was the recipient of a liver 20+ years ago. Sadly, she passed shortly after due to complications. Over the years I've wondered about the other family. I can only begin to imagine all the emotion that your DD and her fiance are feeling anticipating meeting this person.

  2. I hope your DH gets busy again, so you can have some quiet around your ears!! And do DD and her DF want to meet the recipient? Just amazing that her sister in law was a donor, I always found that a small silver lining during a time of loss.

    1. DD said she wants to meet the recipient but her DF is feeling a bit conflicted about it, but I think he will.
