Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Dog, dryer, and dragging

Off and on, for the past couple of months one of our dogs (the younger one) keeps throwing up around 4 or 5am. Nothing major, but still a pain to deal with. It'll happen once and maybe not again for a week or two. We were thinking either he maybe got into something outside to eat (like deer poop!) or probably one of the workers sharing their lunch with him.  The last two night's he's thrown up early am again.  I googled the issue and it sounds like it is most likely just a reflux gastritis:

reflux gastritis sounds horrible, it occurs when your dog’s stomach is no longer able to tolerate a large buildup of the acid that in the stomach that occurs when they rest for long periods of time, such as at night. Most dogs go to bed with an empty stomach so there is no food within the stomach to act as a buffer for the acid. Giving your dog a small snack before bed can help alleviate reflux gastritis and stop them from throwing up in the morning

We will give that a try and see if it helps. It could explain why it's been happening the past couple of nights....we've been trying to cut down on their snacks during the day, not to mention I've been trying to get DH to stop sharing his lunch and dinner, so we are probably making it worse by his tummy being more empty!  We'll see. Hopefully that is the resolution. If not, I'll get him in to see the vet about it.  I know he won't mind getting an evening snack, LOL.

Our dryer has been making a squealing noise. Apparently this was an issue several years ago, that DH repaired, with drum rollers we ordered. I recall fixing something on it a time or two, but couldn't recall what. At first it was just doing it the first couple of minutes of the drying, but now it's pretty bad. I ordered some new parts (about $20) on Monday and they are supposed to be here tomorrow. Let's hope that is the fix for that issue.

This week seems to be dragging along for some reason. Lots to do at work, but not feeling it, LOL. It will be a long weekend, as I work a half day on Friday and we have Monday off as a holiday.
While reflux gastritis sounds horrible, it occurs when your dog’s stomach is no longer able to tolerate a large buildup of the acid that in the stomach that occurs when they rest for long periods of time, such as at night. Most dogs go to bed with an empty stomach so there is no food within the stomach to act as a buffer for the acid. Giving your dog a small snack before bed can help alleviate reflux gastritis and stop them from throwing up in the morning

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While reflux gastritis sounds horrible, it occurs when your dog’s stomach is no longer able to tolerate a large buildup of the acid that in the stomach that occurs when they rest for long periods of time, such as at night. Most dogs go to bed with an empty stomach so there is no food within the stomach to act as a buffer for the acid. Giving your dog a small snack before bed can help alleviate reflux gastritis and stop them from throwing up in the morning

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  1. Poor puppy. Give us an update and see if that helped.
