Monday, January 14, 2019

Weekend update

As with most of our weekends, it was pretty uneventful. We've been sleeping in longer on weekends, which has been kind of nice. I think we got used to it during the days off I had between Christmas and New Years.

Friday afternoon we went into the city. We needed some things from Lowe's, so it was a spendy trip. Since we were there and it had been 2 weeks since our last grocery shopping trip, we got that taken care of too.  The last trip, 13 days prior, was enough of a stock up to almost last 3 weeks, but we still needed to replace some food, mainly because there is only so much that will fit into the little fridge/freezer.  We didn't have much room left in the car, so we just got the basics and spent $120, rather than the $250+ we usually stock up on. I'm hoping we have enough again, to last another two weeks, or at least until the 21st - when I have the day off work and might make a trip into the city again.

Saturday afternoon a friend passing through on his way to Illinois, stopped by. He's a great guy with a big heart, but dang he is loud LOL. It was good to see him, though. He keeps saying he's moving to this area in a few years.  We'll see. While he was here and we were showing him the house in progress, a new local friend stopped by. He was on his way into the city to pick up some family at the airport and stopped to say hi. He is the guy that had installed our gutters on the shop last summer, and most recently, a week or so ago, on the house. He is such a sweet guy. He was so excited and happy to be on his way to the airport to pick up his brother and sister in-law, that he says he has not seen in 20 years. I think he just stopped by because he was busting to tell someone, haha. He lives in town and is a single guy. He told DH last summer he would teach him to fly fish.

After friend from out of town left to resume his trip, he literally called DH 10 times that afternoon and evening! DH was like OMG! what does he want now (after about the 4th call)?! LOL. Directions on best way to go, where should he spend the night, etc. I think he was just bored driving, though he did have a companion with him for the trip, so who knows.

Over the past several days I got a couple more books read. The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus. It was an ok book. I thought maybe the ending was going to be kind of cheesy and predictable. While it was predictable, it managed it with some grace, I felt. Has anyone seen the movie? worth watching?

The other book I read was Past Tense by Lee Child. I love the Jack Reacher series, so I was excited to have this one become available to borrow, already. While the two Jack Reacher movies are ok, on their own, Tom Cruise is NOT Jack Reacher in any way, shape or form, LOL. When I used to commute to work, I always enjoyed listening to the Reacher books on audio. The guy reading the books has a good, gruff Jack Reacher style voice.  That's the only thing I miss about my commuting time, being able to listen to audio books. I've tried listening to them at home and I just can't do it. I get too distracted with other things/thoughts...or I fall asleep listening.

DH continues to call his dad, daily, though his dad did call him on Saturday. He's doing ok. Friday evening he actually went out to dinner with SIL (who he is living with now) and said this was the first time in 3 months he was able to get his boots on, due to his swelled ankles.  He was able to talk to DH a little longer the past few times, too. Not out of breath so quickly.  We haven't heard any more from SIL on selling the house. I did send her the name of the real estate agent we used to sell our home there, but didn't get any reply back on if she contacted her or not. I'm guessing she and FIL are just taking a breather from it all, since MIL's death. I'm sure they could both use some down time and with him living with her, it's not a big rush to get the money out of the house.

I am leaning more and more toward not getting set back up with Dish satellite when we get into the house. I'm at least going to give what streaming we have available a try, before we hook satellite back up. Even Direct tv now has a streaming service for a low monthly fee, that doesn't require the need for a satellite dish hooked up. Our main streaming service we are currently getting the most use out of is YouTubeTv (on DD/DF's account), but I think in order to be able to watch that on our actual tv (and not computer or ipad) we will need a different streaming device than the Firestick I have. From what I have read, the Firestick doesn't have the YouTubeTv app available. I think I'll have to get something like Google Chromecast or Roku. Plus, the Firestick I have is like first generation, probably time to upgrade anyway.


  1. I have two books that need to be read, hopefully I can get into them on Friday or so. I won't be surprised if you ditch the Dish, there are sooo many options now that are much more cost effective, you are right.

    1. I'm kind of surprised Dish hasn't jumped on the streaming bandwagon, as DirectTv has done

  2. Quite a change for your SIL and your FIL. I'm sure this is saving him a lot of money from what the other place charged.

    I'd ditch Dish, too. Main reasons would be the cost and also not wanting to be locked into a contract. All we currently have is Amazon Prime and free YouTube. I'm not a huge TV watcher, so this has been plenty for me. The main thing I really miss is Fox news, but I can get most of that online.

    Been meaning to add that I enjoyed seeing the picture of your house a few posts back. It is really coming along! Looks great!

    1. We watch a lot of Fox news too, so the YouTubetv is good for that channel. I do have some new inside pics of the house I'm planning on sharing today.

  3. Say it loud and say it long. Tom Cruise is not Jack Reacher. I was not in love with Past Tense. It seems that there will be a netflix Reacher season and the author is asking for suggestions. I cant ditch Cable because of sports,...Sigh.

    1. The Past Tense book was a little different, with like two separate story lines almost the whole book. I HOPE there is a Netflix show, that would be great. I love the Bosch Series on Amazon. They did a good job casting that one. We don't watch sports, but DH's two favorite to watch are Fox News and Discovery Channel, which neither seem to be on one streaming service.
