Thursday, January 17, 2019

Nothing in particular today

I'm happy to report there was no 4 or 5am throwing up by the dog this morning. If we can go several days without throwing up, after giving an evening snack, I will call it success. I sure hope it is. It will be kind of ironic if this is what we were trying to cut down his treats and people food and we were making him sick!

We received a dusting of snow last night. It's been a pretty mild winter, so far. But, as I am getting this typed out the snow has been coming down pretty good, again.

FIL is staying back at the care home, for a week, it sounds like. SIL is on (another) vacation. He called last night, but DH was still out inside the house, doing some cleaning up of the drywall mess. I can tell he gets pretty short of breath trying to talk. For someone who kept complaining she couldn't take time off work to take care of parents, SIL sure can take it off for vacations all the time. Priorities, I guess, LOL.

I've determined I can't eat peanuts, or at least the honey roasted kind. DH bought a jar of them and regular roasted peanuts to snack on. Two times I ate some (well quite a few, actually) I totally got a stomach ache and bloated stomach. No more for me.

I just got the 1099 tax forms done for the 2 companies I work for. I always hate doing those, but glad it's done and off my to do list.....and two weeks before due! I was really trying not to procrastinate and wait until the last couple of days to get it done. A few years ago I started using an online service. I think I finally have "how to do" it down now. It's not easy to remember all the steps when you only do something once a year, but it is much easier to just upload the data and have the service send out the forms and file with the IRS and not very costly, either.

I keep plugging away on M-Turks, but really only manage to get a few dollars a day. Unless I constantly check back all day long, I don't have much luck. Monday I managed to do $10, but then it averages out on the days I can't find anything I'm qualified for (or that doesn't take a half hour to earn .25). But, it has definitely seemed to help my mindset, if I just make myself try for a few dollars a day. Today, I am up to $3.09, so I made my goal by noon and hopefully might pick up a bit more by the end of the work day. I didn't quite make the goal the last couple of days. More like $2.


  1. "Nothing in particular" days are kinda nice don't you think. Nothing dramatic, just tootling along without the ups and downs you sometimes get!

    1. for sure, it's nice not to have anything dramatic going on. Just a regular day :)

  2. No dog vomit=an excellent way to start the day! Your SIL is fortunate that the home care place still had a bed available. You ara again doing much better than I am with your M-Turks. I need to get back to earning!

    1. I'm not sure if FIL is at the same place he was at before, I didn't think to ask him when I talked to him the other night. I'm sure he'll be glad when SIL returns. I'm sure her place is much more comfortable for him, plus they have a couple of dogs and a cat for company.
