Monday, January 28, 2019

Co-worker hassle

I rarely get miffed with anyone at work. In 13 1/2 years I can count on one hand or less when a co-worker has pissed me off, directly. But, it happened last week. I was working on our past due invoices, emailing some customers to ask status. It was a bill for $5000 from August. I politely emailed a copy of  the invoice to the customer, cc'ing our salesperson: Hello, I'm checking on the payment status of the attached invoice? Thank you.

The customer politely emailed back that she thought all these samples got returned and oh, by the way, our address has changed. I politely emailed her back (still cc'ing the salesperson) saying: thank you for getting back to me. I have updated your address in our system. Salesperson (insert name) - can you confirm these samples were returned and I'll get this invoice voided?  Thank you.

Salesperson emails me and cc's my boss, telling me maybe I wasn't kept in the loop that these got returned (I was not) but don't ever contact her customer again about a past due invoice. Just email her first.

Whatever. It's my job to follow up on invoices. She's the one who told me to bill the customer in the first place. It was her job to let me know it got returned. Second off, it wasn't like I sent a rude email saying "This is Seriously Past Due"  blah blah. Not to mention, none of of salespeople are good about collecting on invoices, if I did email them about it, or even bother to follow up for me, so it's better to just ask the customer.

Then at the end of the day my boss called me. She was driving, on her way to a meeting, but wanted to ask me about this email exchange with the salesperson. She said she also got a voicemail from the salesperson and it sounds like salesperson was telling her I just went ahead and billed her customer for $5000 in samples, on my own. Which my boss knew I would never do, so she just wanted to know the history (before she called her back) of how the invoice got generated in the first place, last August. I said I have an email from salesperson telling me to bill the owner of the company for the samples they were keeping and not returning to us. So, I forwarded the original email to my boss.


  1. It helps that you have a good relationship with your boss, and she knows what you would do or not do.

    1. yes, it sure does. I knew she would have my back :)

  2. Good thing you keep all those old emails!

    1. I keep just about EVERY email. Comes in handy many times.

  3. I like your boss. I also like your keeping records of everything properly which is a big part of doing a good job. As for the salesperson, she sounds like she is one of those toxic people, who wants to create drama over trivial issues. It is as if she is being bossy. I hope your boss has reminded her, her place

  4. Replies
    1. same salesperson who hasn't turned in her expense and mileage reports all last year...and they are supposed to be turned in monthly. My boss isn't very happy about that either, LOL.

  5. We had a colleague like that in HR. She was known as Miss "I didn't do it, it must have been …."! Thing is EVERYBODY makes mistakes but you just own up and sort it out. Except her, of course, she used to trip over her tongue she tried so fast to blame anyone and everyone. I left HR 5 years ago and this person looks terrible. When I asked one of my former colleagues what was going on with V, L just said, "oh, she's being held to account for her own screw ups now by the new boss and she can't take it". I hate people like that. If I screw up I own up to it and apologize. Well done on keeping all your emails. It's nice to have proof isn't it! And yes you do sound like you have a great boss!

    1. my boss comes to me quite often to search old emails for something because she knows I'll find it, LOL. That was how I was able to get back our building rent deposit from many years ago.

  6. Zomg, what is wrong with people LOL. My brother delights in times like these, when you easily prove people wrong with a simple email! Good think your boss always has your back.

    1. I was going to send her the email where she told me to bill it last August, but I just assumed she knew she wasn't until my boss said her voicemail made it sound like she had no recollection of it.

  7. Ack - this pushes all my buttons. I spent my last 15 years in sales before retiring, and every sales team has one or two people like this woman. They don't communicate, don't follow up, and don't keep the internal team in the loop. Then they get all over someone who DOES follow up (which is their job). Sounds like your boss has this person's number. And as an aside, I have worked with a few people who kept great records (emails, documents, etc.) like you do. You're invaluable in keeping those lazy types in line. LOL.

    1. I know our salespeople have a lot on their plates...which is exactly why I didn't bother to ask her to collect on the invoice!
