Wednesday, January 23, 2019

More of the same

The tape and texture guy finally showed up around 4pm. (good grief!). He was complaining about this and that and the other. DH said I don't want to hear it.  He got his supplies unloaded and worked a few hours. Then he wanted to complain that he was going to have to drive 40 minutes to stay at his girlfriends house (about a half hour closer than where he lives, I guess) while doing this job. DH just said our 65 year old neighbor lady does it every single day. Who knows what time he'll show up today - it's already almost 9am and he's not here yet.

The insulation guy showed up about 5pm, but half the time they were here insulating our house they worked all evening anyway, so that wasn't anything unusual. He worked until 2am, but got our crawlspace all spray foamed. The house is now completely insulated and that big job is all done. They really did do a great job and even gave us more than his quote/what he charged us for. And we don't have to worry about any mold growing down there again. And now we can turn off (or at least way down) that temporary furnace that's been running non stop for 10 days.

I've got 20 e-books on "hold" with the library. Twenty is the limit and it seems like no matter which book I look for to read, it's on a waiting list. Finally, last week two of my hold became available.

The Travelling Cat Chronicles. Still trying to finish this. Pretty much, if I don't finish a book in about two days, it's not a very good one, LOL.  I got bored with it, so started the other one.

Bridge of Clay. I thought I would really like this one, as I really liked the other two books I recently read by this same author, Markus Zusak. Two hundred pages into it and I kept going back to the other book and trying it again. Then back to this book. I was just not getting it at all. Finally, about 150 pages in it started getting really good.

While I was frustrated with the reading, I was able to binge watch the newest season release of Grace & Frankie on Netflix. Still funny. Trying to get my (or DD's) money's worth out of the Netflix gift card I received. I'll have to figure out a new show to find to watch. Everything else I've been watching on Netflix (or Amazon Prime) doesn't have a new season out yet.

I did watch a cute movie last night. Blended, with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. Kind of like their movie "50 First Dates", but with a similar story line to his movie "Just Go With It", with Jennifer Aniston. 

We got a little more snow last night, so DH is out plowing the driveway. At least gives him something to keep busy at, instead of sitting here next to me complaining the guy isn't here yet, LOL.


  1. I suggest watching "The Tudors." I keep re-watching it. My latest fun is trying to list all the inaccuracies in each episode. "The Other Boleyn Girl" is also on Netflix. It was o.k., but I won't rewatch. For series, I like "The Office," "Breaking Bad," and, my favorite "Better Call Saul." I watched the latter with my son some time ago, and once I caught up, I found myself anxiously waiting for the new season to premier. That was 2017. We had a 2018 season premier viewing party, and now, we're all waiting for 2019, due out in fall. I love that show.

    1. I will check those out. I tried Breaking Bad several years ago, but with all the crap we were dealing with meth heads and heroin junkies right outside our door, I wasn't in the mood for it, at all.

  2. Love seeing the progress with your house and happy the mold issue is now resolved. I don't have Netflix, but thankfully the family of the kid I watch does. With the new Frank and Grace season, I look forward to his nap time all the more. Lol

    1. ahhh nap time - probably your favorite part, haha!

  3. I liked the series The Travelers or just Travelers. I forget which one is the title. And of course Orange is the New Black!

    1. I've never heard of the Travelers. I'll look it up. i watched a few episodes of Orange in the New Black several years ago. Never really good hooked on it.

  4. Who complains to their employers about their commute?! That is so odd. I gotta get back on my reading too, I get too easily distracted.

    1. This guy seems to complain about just about everything. He's nice, but really gets on your nerves quickly. So many folks in this area freak out if they have to drive more than a half hour. Strange to us.
