Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Hits and Misses

We now have been living in this shop for 5 months. We have been in the building process 10 months. Eeek! Some things are good/ok, some are not.

Here's what I have learned I like and don't like:


I do not miss hanging my clothes in a closet! I have always hated having to put shirts on hangers. I have found I really like them just folded in my dresser drawer. So, we have these big his and hers walk in closets in our master bedroom...I think I'll be going with more shelves/drawers than rods.

It's easy to clean, since we have such a little living area.

Since I don't really enjoy cooking I am enjoying the lighter meals and prep for dinners.

Our propane wall heater works great and keeps us nice and warm

Our propane tankless hot water heater - endless supply of hot water. Very nice.

Our shower in the shop is the biggest shower we've ever had, LOL, so it's nice. At our house we lived in for 28 years we had this super tiny little box of a walk in shower. In our last house, we had a narrow tub/shower.  I can only imagine how nice the big walk in shower will be in the house.

and now I'm trying to rack my brain for anything else good about living in here.....not much HAHA!


Trying to clean dishes in the bathroom sink. it is at least a big tub style sink, but still a pain.

Not enough space. Not enough living space and not enough food storage space

Fridge is too tiny - have to go shopping more often because not enough fits in it and what does, runs out quickly

Miss having an oven

Miss having separate rooms to habitate! Trying to sleep while DH is watching a show on his computer at 10 or 11pm. Ugh.

HATE sharing an office - let alone a desk. At our smaller previous house we had two desks in the spare bedroom/office room. Here we are literally sharing a desk. It's L-shaped. My computer and 2 monitors on one L, his computer and monitor on the other L. but only one of us can sit here at a time. Since he doesn't have much to do now to keep him busy outside/in the house, this morning I suggested he run an extension cord to the dining table and set up his computer there. At least he'd be able to sit there during the day and keep occupied. He hasn't done it yet....of course because it's my idea, LOL. I imagine in a few days he'll do it.


  1. It is all going to be so worth it when you finally get to move in!

  2. Would you be willing to share any photos of your living space?

    1. it's embarrassing and it's not much to see, haha. Our shop has a bathroom in the corner. On the other side of that bathroom wall we have our bed and some dressers set up. Kitty corner from bed is my desk (so I can work). That's all about a 14x14 area. When you come in the door there is a long stainless steel bench along the wall that has all our cooking/food stuff. Across from that is our dining table/chairs and couch and recliner squeezed in together. The rest of the shop is literally stuffed with everything we own.

    2. No worries! Im just a curious person. I know what you’ve gone through in this build is a bit beyond the usual bumps and headaches that can come from taking on such a huge project.....so i wish you the best. And when its all done you and your husband will have a great space to work, relax and play!

  3. It will all be so worth it.
    You will be spoiled in your new home. Just you wait! :)

    1. it's going to feel like a mansion after living in this, haha!
