Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday and weekend activites

It was nice being able to sleep in a bit again this morning, as I have the day off. We had an ok weekend, for the most part. Though Saturday didn't go too well. We've had an old furnace, that our hvac guy gave us to use, sitting in the house all last week, keeping the temp inside up (and the humidity down) so that our foundation crawl space can get dryer (there's fans, a dehumidifier and a reverse type fan that suck out air to outside down there working) and be ready for the insulation guys to come today and get it sealed up with spray foam insulation.  We've been able to keep it 70 degrees in the house. Well, Saturday morning the borrowed old furnace stopped working. DH tried to get it working himself. Called the hvac guy, who said he couldn't come out and look at it until that evening. DH fiddled with it all day. It was frustrating him, of course, because he really doesn't know much about how furnaces work. Finally, late afternoon, he got it working. He actually got 2 of the 3 elements working (only one had been working to begin with) and by evening the house was up to 80 degrees inside, LOL.

We had a remediation company come and clean it all up the Friday prior, but it still had to dry up some more before the spray foam will stick, hence the week delay of trying to get it more dried out. But it is totally cleaned up down there, so that is a HUGE relief. Our insulation guy called DH last week and asked for the remediation guys number, as he has a house being built that needs it done now too and he was impressed with the work this company did on our crawl space.

So, today the insulation guys are supposed to come and get it all finished. But, we've had a bunch of snow all day yesterday, so not sure how the roads are getting here. My guess is they will show up later this morning or early afternoon. Whenever they get here, hope it is soon and we can finally put this huge headache behind us.

It was also our anniversary this weekend. 34 years! Yikes!We had plans to go out to dinner Saturday evening, but didn't think we were going to get to go, since we were going to have to be here for the hvac guy. I think it was about 5 or 5:30 when DH got it working. Texted the guy he didn't need to come out, and we got ready and did go and have a later dinner, which was nice. I had grilled salmon and garlic roasted mashed potatoes.  DH had flowers delivered to me earlier in the day :)

Yesterday it snowed pretty much all day. So pretty! DH got to use his quad snow plow again....twice - haha! I'm sure our neighbor is relieved today is a holiday, so she didn't have to drive herself into the city to work. It is totally amazing to stand inside our great room and watch the snow fall outside all the windows. It truly is a dream home. (or will be - ha!). We were joking that it's now warmer in the house, than the shop (well, we don't keep it 80, obviously) and we should move our recliner from the shop to the great room and sit and watch the snow fall.

DH has been watching our neighbor shovel the snow off his walkway to his front door. He dug out our nifty snow shovel we had bought for our driveway at our house in town the past couple of winters. It's like a little snow plow on wheels and a long handle to hold on to. He took it over to neighbor for him to give it a try. Neighbor said "oh, I've been looking at those online!". DH told him to keep it awhile and try it out, as we don't have any concrete walkways to use it on yet.

Then this morning DH's computer did it's automatic update. I hate Windows 10! There is no way to turn off the updates. It messes up his computer every single time. This time he came in from using his drone to take some snow video and pics and his little sd card would not read. We put it in my computer and it worked. Finally, a google search/you tube video helped me to figure it out. I had to update the drivers for all the usb ports and then the sd card would read.


  1. So glad you got that remediatrd! I think I would have been in tears with frustration if I had to deal with that! Congratulations on the anniversary!

    1. We are relieved too! It was a stressful situation to deal with.

  2. The snow is really pretty isn't it (all the more so now that I don't have to drive in it). We got one good dump of snow the day after I arrived back in the UK and then nothing! It's incredible. Here we are in the alps and nothing! They have snow in the resorts but that is also melting so I believe they are already manufacturing it. Times are achanging that's for sure. And congratulations on your anniversary!

    1. yes, the snow is so beautiful - to not have to drive in, LOL!!

  3. Happy belated anniversary! My dad needed a new computer and it came with Windows 10. Fortunately my SIL is a master with technology and was able to make it "look" more like the Window 7 that was on his old pc. Heaven knows he doesn't need anything else confusing him!

    1. Thank you! I wish I was savvy enough to master technology.
