Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Get to work

Back at work today - at least it's already Tuesday. I used my lunch break to work on my side job - trying to tie up year end accounting for them this week, so I can get it to their CPA. Their CPA does their business tax return quick.  The CPA for my main job - he takes until August, LOL.

Another day of nothing (so far) being done on the house. This is now day 9 since the drywall got done and no tape and texture guy. The insulation guys didn't come yesterday because of the road conditions. They were supposed to be here an hour and a half ago. The tape and texture guy was supposed to get started yesterday afternoon. He didn't come because of the roads. (which were clear by afternoon) It's 2:30pm now today, and he's still not here.  Someone showed up about 15 minutes ago, but I'm not sure who it is. I don't think it's either of them. Finally heard (after a MONTH) from our cabinet lady. She is supposed to come out next Monday and do a final measuring and then get our cabinets ordered.

The tape and texture guy wants to get paid some before he even gets started. Our contractor told him no, DH told him no. We are not paying anyone up front before they even get started. We already paid out some with that first electrician we had and he died of a heart attack! Nope, do the work and then you'll get paid. This guy is going to be the one that makes DH snap! He's a bit slow - a few too many brain cells fried, it appears, and he's going to drive DH nuts being here for as long as it will probably take him to get it done. He told Dh and the contractor he was bringing help (this big house isn't a one person job) and now he's himhawing whether he'll have help or not.

Just wish they'd all get here and get working........two days of listening to DH complain about it every minute gets tiring. At least I got a bit of a break from listening to him this morning. Some local guy, who does, finish work, stopped by to see if we needed any work done, so DH talked with him quite awhile. DH is just like his mom was....if she was upset about something she could just go on and on and on....just shut up! LOL

ok, Dh just came back into the shop and I asked him who is here? it's the insulation company owner. He is on his way back home, with his daughter, from a weekend trip, and stopped by to check out how the crawlspace is drying out and said his worker guys are on their way and will be here shortly.

that's about all I know today.


  1. With the way my week has been going, I needed a laugh. Your description of the tape/texture guy did just that for me. Lol Hope your DH also quits beating on the dead horse. Lol. Oh, some days.

    1. You should hear DH trying to talk on the phone with this guy, LOL. You try to ask him one question or tell him one quick little thing and it's a 5 minute conversation just about that thing alone. haha.

  2. I am reading all your house building updates and am annoyed on your behalf. You have patience.

    1. It's even a test of my patience! But they did finally both show up yesterday...
