Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Family roots

I think it was about 3 years ago when I joined and did some ancestry research for a few months. It was fun and I really enjoyed it, but once I got the general info I was after, I didn't see continuing to spend that much a month in the budget, at the time. I remember asking DH if he wanted me to look up his family and he said no "it's creepy". Then a couple years ago, he was visiting a friend and his wife for several days and she was doing ancestry research and asked him if he wanted to to look his up. Again, nope, "it's creepy".  I'm like what is creepy about it?!  Apparently, he thinks we are all related to one another, LOL.

Now, with his dad going downhill, he's suddenly interested. His sis had forwarded him pics, some pretty old, where his dad grew up on a farm. Then he remembered his sis had given him a big binder several years ago, that some distant cousin put together all about his dad's mother's side of the family. Boy, that lady put in a lot of work!

So, from that DH had his grandfather's full name (he died when FIL was a young boy in a farming accident) and did some research online. DH came across an interesting article from some county history archives. We knew they were from Germany, but not when. DH's great grandfather came over from Germany, apparently by himself when he was only 16 or 17. We also didn't know that during WWII, the family dropped the second "n" on the last name - as a way of dissociating from Hitler/Nazi-ism.

Now, DH is totally interested, LOL. One of these days, once we are settled in our house, I'll have to sign back up for and do some more research for him, or let him work on it. I'm sure he'd probably totally enjoy it.

For something to watch now and then, I will watch "Who Do You Think You Are", which I always find interesting. Wouldn't it be great though, if us regular folk could just say "oh, I need to go to Germany to find out more" and hop on a plane, LOL.


  1. We were just ordinary people but we had a chance to go on a genealogical tour to the part of Germany where husband's family came from. We stayed with a host family, and got to see the villages where both his parents had come from in the 1840s. It was very interesting and we both enjoyed it. The price was reasonable.

    1. that sounds like fun. On the show they just make it look so easy to hop a plane and meet up with a geneology expert and get the detailed info, LOL

  2. We love to watch "Finding Your Roots" on PBS. Last night's episode with Andy Samberg and George RR Martin was fascinating.

    1. I will have to see if I can watch that show on any of my streaming methods.

    2. I was able to watch that episode, but nothing from previous seasons, those were buy to much for "public" broadcasting, LOL

  3. Finding out about ones ancestry is quite fascinating, isn't it? I, too, watch the show, Finding Your Roots, on PBS. You might be able to search online and watch older episodes on YouTube, or something.

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    1. thanks for stopping back at my blog. I look forward to reading yours, too :)
