Thursday, December 10, 2020

The impossible gift

Darn. I finally figured out what I want to get DH for Christmas and it appears absolutely no one has any in stock to arrive before Christmas! What could be that much in demand you ask?! A telescope! For Pete's sake, you would think I could find something. There are a lot of them to choose from. Every website/store, of every brand, in my price range, is out of stock or will have in stock soon, but not before Christmas. Not a single one. I narrowed it down to several brands/models and none are available. 

I had originally been looking at binoculars, but then yesterday morning had the idea a telescope would be better. DH likes to look at the stars and a refractor type telescope can look at the sky and look at objects on earth (ie wildlife and birds). We have a window in our living room we can stand at a certain spot with our crappy binoculars and see the bald eagles nest on the other side of the river. It would be nice to be able to look through a telescope, that isn't jiggling as you try to zoom in, like with binoculars, LOL. Plus, then he could take it outside to look at the sky when he wants. Well, I'm bummed.

DD and her dh won't be coming for Christmas. Their state restrictions were extended (as expected would happen) until January and while she works from home, her dh doesn't and so he can't quarantine for 2 weeks after returning from out of state.

DH is getting low on the deodorant he likes and I have trouble finding it at Target or Walmart so have been getting it from Walgreens or Riteaid. I decided to do an online order with RiteAid for 4 of them. Shipping is free with $35 order. I added a few other things we use and then that Honey app I put back on my computer found a $6 off coupon code. Nice :).  I had had Honey app added for awhile a year or two ago but it never seemed to find anything, so I deleted it. Well, it's now offered as part of PayPal or something, so I tried again and have had much better luck with it finding me some coupons.

Thankfully the weather still seems to be cooperating for me to get into the city on Saturday for more groceries. My fridge seems empty and it hasn't even been 2 weeks since I last shopped! For several days I everytime I opened the door there was this faint odor. It reminded me of shrimp past it's date. I had had some shrimp in there for a 2-3 days at Thanksgiving. One of those trays with all the shrimp placed around a cup of dipping sauce. I had stored in on a regular plate in the fridge so no juice would leak out. I had done the same when my turkey was thawing. I threw a few things out that were getting old, but not too old. Still smelled. I wiped the shelves down. Still smelled. I wiped down again, with vinegar/water spray. Still could smell it. Finally determined yesterday it was the "mini cucumbers" that were in the crisper, in a ziploc type bag with holes. I've never bought these kind before. I threw them out and smell is gone. Won't be buying again, LOL. I can't believe dh didn't say something. He can smell the tiniest smells ever. So, after all that cleaning and throwing a few things out, just in case it was that, my fridge is pretty empty looking.

I have things that need to get out to the mailbox this morning, so I'm headed back downstairs to put some long underwear on and take the walk down to the mailboxes.


  1. I would love a telescope! So, get a brick or rock to wrap with the picture of what you order and let that sit under the tree. I would would wait for a gift like that. In the meantime, you could get him a tiny gift, great quality something else he could enjoy until it comes. I think he will be happy to wait. I wonder if you might find a great one in excellent condition in a pawn shop. What are you ordering, brand and type?

    1. That's probably what I will have to do is wrap the picture. I'm looking at the Celestron brand, but there are a couple of other brands that were reviewed/rated good, too. I'm wanting the "refractor" type as they say it works for both sky and terrestrial viewing. At least that's what I researched. I know nothing about them. I would have to drive 50 miles to look at pawn shops and just don't have the desire or time to do that, plus I wouldn't know if it worked right or something might be wrong with it being used.

    2. Well, the pawn shop was a thought, but 50 miles is too far. I bought a pair of binoculars knowing nothing except what I read. I understand.

  2. What kind of deodorant is it your DH likes? My son loves Brut, but the white kind, not green gel. It's not expensive, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find in stores.
    A telescope is a great gift--everyone out here has one, it seems. I would imagine with lock downs, it's become more popular.

    1. Have you looked on the NASA website--you might find a suggestion on one of the blogs on where to find a telescope/which ones are the best.

    2. He likes a Speedstick kind, not gel, and it's anti-antiperspirant and deodorant and seems to be harder to find the past couple of years, though not expensive, either. They keep changing their kinds made, it seems. I did read through a review on a website that explained the types and best kind of telescopes for beginners, etc. The website was called

  3. Have you tried Sam's club or Costco type of stores for the telescope?

    1. yes, I have tried every (online) store I can think of or that shows they sell telescopes. Costco apparently only sells 2 and 1 is out of stock and the other not what I'm looking for (it's too much $ and more for decor)

  4. Maybe you could add the National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky? It's a little expensive at Amazon but says it would arrive before Christmas. Just a thought. (along with the telescope picture, of course) Ranee (MN)

    1. Yes! that's exactly what I was just thinking of doing - looking for a book to get. Thank you for the book suggestion as I have no idea which one would be good.

    2. and the book is a great idea, too, because I also got him some buffalo book ends for Christmas, haha.
