Friday, December 4, 2020

Friday this, that, and the other

Now that we know the little wall heater we put in the chicken coop works well enough to keep it a little  warmer in there when it's below freezing out, dh decided he wants one to put in the shed part. I ordered it from Chewy before, but it's $45 there and I would need to spend another $4 for free shipping. Amazon has it for $40 with free shipping, plus I just remembered I still have my $3 Amazon gift code from November Verizon Up rewards and just received notification that Dec is now available, so I was able to apply $6 credit towards the purchase. I had also signed up for a free month of Prime, so my Amazon store card will earn 5% back, too, bringing the total down to $32.

Off and on my mom has complained about the food where she lives - but mostly she just says it's the same thing every meal, which I've seen the menus and it's not, so I don't worry about it much. After dinner yesterday she called and said the roll that came with dinner was too hard to even eat, even inside wasn't soft and she wanted to know if I thought she should show it/say something to someone in charge. I said definitely. Hopefully there are other residents who would also say something.

Way back, a few years after our bankruptcy, I got a secured credit card that I had to put a $49 deposit on. After getting that and using it/paying off, I pretty quickly was able to get reestablished with other regular credit. At one point, several years ago I contacted the credit card company about getting the card changed to a regular card, so I could get my $49 deposit back. The customer service person (foreign) wasn't helpful at all, so I didn't pursue it. At the time I didn't want to just close it out, because we were needing credit for the house we bought when we moved, and then this mortgage and I didn't want to hurt my credit by closing an account. Now I don't care, so I just closed it. I did get a statement in the mail yesterday showing I have a $49 credit. I wonder if they will just automatically send me a check/refund or I have to ask. I'll wait a month and see and call, if I don't get one.

I had this awful dream last night - I was having to take a test of like 4 really hard math problems, along with a few other people. I tried to study. I couldn't even finish the first question before time was up. What's up with that? haha! 

I just remembered we have a zoom company meeting at 11am today, but for some reason when I went to see why it's not showing up on my reminders, it went to my calendar for next Friday. I just verified it is today. Typically we have a big company meeting in December every year, with a nice catered lunch and then the rest of the afternoon off. Guess, I'd better get in the shower and get "work" appropriate, LOL.


  1. Maybe you are being tested! Do you think your mother might have saved a roll from another day?

    1. oh, I hadn't even thought of that possibility! LOL. It wouldn't surprise me one bit that's what she did!

  2. My aunt with dementia complained about food as well, she would eat it for a bit, and then after a while nothing ever tasted good. With the exception of Caribbean food maybe! I am so glad you got the EFT set up and I hope the work meeting went well!

    1. I kind of remember my grandma in her last year or two having that same problem with food.

  3. Totally random question: You have a game camera. Which one did you purchase? DD wants one to put near our chicken coop.

    1. It's a Moultrie. Not sure what model - dd bought it for him as a gift. Not a super expensive one, I don't think.

    2. Is it a cellular camera--one that sends pictures to his phone? DD wants one for Christmas, and I'm thinking this will be her big gift.
      Thank you!

    3. I don't think so, it does do video. I'll have to look and see if I can find the model # on it.

    4. the camera says is an "A series". It's kind of a green color. I don't think it does the cellular camera

    5. Okay, thank you. We got her a motion sensored one with a scan disk, which she can remove and play on her laptop. It's battery operated, and doesn't need WIFI, which, given our crappy service, wouldn't have worked. Actually, the product I ordered was a set of 2. The kids have wanted to put one in the trail on our property for a while. That'll be her "wow" gift this year, and she will (hopefully) cooperate with her brothers on the placement of the second one.

    6. Dh moves his camera around all the time. Sometimes he's got it out front. Sometimes puts it in back. They just strap around fence post or whatever he can find

  4. Well you got a steal of a deal on the heater!
    I am sorry your mom is unhappy with her meals. Mom lost her sense of taste and nothing was good to her, except a Sneaky Pete's hotdog.

    1. It's funny how she'll complain about the food being the same thing, but when I try to feed her a variety for breakfast and lunch (that we don't do, LOL) she says "oh, I'll just have cereal, or a sandwich is fine" LOL.

  5. My grandmother would not eat anything much at all. She liked nothing. We would get her an ice cream cone when we visited and she would eat that with no problem.

    1. She still seems to want/like to eat. I just think her memory is telling her they are feeding her the same thing all the time. I have eaten the food there/shared lunch with her several times and it was fine. As good as anything I'd make, haha.
