Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve

Yesterday I kept busy, but didn't feel rushed or too busy. First thing I did was my side job payroll transmission, which only took me about 15 minutes. Then I was done working (I hope!). Then I vacuumed upstairs and down (still loving my new Shark vacuum, btw). Straightened up the "bear bed"....again....only to go in a hour later with a dog napping there and of course he took the blanket on the end to make a place to snuggle, LOL. 

Then I cleaned out the chicken coop. I do that about once a month (in between I scoop poops into a bucket with a lid I have in their coop). Refilled their waterer and food. The chicken with all the feathers missing at least does not look any worse since I first noticed it on Sunday, so I feel a little less worried about her.

Then I ran into town to get milk and a few things. It was festive. Santa was sitting out in front of the courthouse to visit with kids who happened to stop by. Inside the tiny grocery store they had squeezed in a 2 man band playing Christmas music. I wanted to get more eggnog, but was bummed they had none. I am glad though that they did have the frozen dinner rolls that I use to make my pizza dough, as I was out of them. I decided not to check the pharmacy (it looked packed anyway) for a I was adding a couple of presents to under the tree and moving a couple others to make of them, from dh, sounds like a puzzle, haha! 

On my way leaving town I texted my neighbor at the end of our street to see if she was home and I could drop off my gift. I had brought it with me, so if they were home, I could drive down to their place, rather than walking in 25 degree weather. Honestly, I was hoping the reply back was "no - I'm having the baby!" haha! But, no...she is still 8.9 months pregnant. She is due on Christmas Day. I am going to try to drop off the vanilla to my next door neighbors this morning before I go get my mom. Mr. was gone all day yesterday and Mrs doesn't get home from work until a little after 6 and it's so dark and I'm sure she's tired and just wants to get dinner, so I didn't want to bother them last evening. It's usually just the 2 of them at home for Christmas, so I'm sure sometime today or tomorrow I can catch them home.

My work had said they created a gift for each employee and mine arrived ups last night. It's some company swag, LOL. A nice white, really soft sweatshirt with a faint gray logo on front. A winter knit cap with logo, a baseball type cap and a travel mug. Also tucked in the box was a  car from my boss with a $50 visa gift card. Our employees have also been busting their butts this past month trying to meet some bonus sales quotas a few of our manufacturer's offered. We are so close and finally yesterday met one of them, which is a $30,000 bonus to our company. The other's offered range from $20k-$50k and one is offering a gift of lobster and wine delivered to each employee if we make the sales goal.

I also got my online grocery order mostly entered, as I will want to pick it up Saturday, after dropping mom back off at her place. I realized I better get it done, as I don't want to be figuring it out on Christmas day, LOL.

I called my mom Tuesday and told her to write down a list of 3 things I want her to make sure she brings with her: her phone charger, a form her investment company mailed, and any mail she wants me to look at. I called her again to remind her yesterday and I'll call her again to remind her this morning.

I have been hoping that a box/delivery that comes regular mail is too big for our box and the mailman has to stop by, so I can give him his little gift, but no luck. So, I'm about to go walk down to the mailbox and put it in with the flag up. To make sure he knows its for him (even though the tag says so) I'm going to try (if the tape will stick to the frozen mailbox) to tape a note on the front of the mailbox to tell him to take the gift inside :)

Time to get to it and get showered and dressed so I can leave here about 10:15 to get mom.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas Eve.


  1. It hurts thinking about walking in 25 degrees!

    1. this morning's trip to the mailbox it was only 18! Brrr!

  2. It is Foxfire, a series of books about old mountain ways. It was started as a class project and has become quite famous. The old people tell such funny stories and long with practical lessons, most of which neither you nor I will ever practice. I have no idea what Firefox

  3. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your mom. That swag sounds amazing, and how wonderful of your boss to drop in the gift card!! Sure am crossing my fingers for the lobster etc

    1. Thank you :). I wore the knitted hat yesterday and love it. I haven't worn the sweatshirt yet but it is super soft inside. I gave dh the baseball type hat as he always wears those and it's in a dark gray color he likes.

  4. Merry Christmas to you & your family!
    Thank you for writing & sharing all year long. :)
