Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Decor on a budget

I'm trying to get ideas/inspiration for my entryway decor. The prices of things are ridiculous. I'm not spending $500 for plants and knicknacks just for a small area (not to mention what I already spent for the table)! All the kitsch I found is at least $30 each. One horse figurine I liked was $114, on sale half off! I searched for rustic mirrors to hang over the new table. Those certainly aren't cheap and the one I liked best is $150. I'm going to do some more searching and see if I can't come up with something at least similar that is cheaper.  This is the mirror I like

I'm also going to go the frugal/DIY route with as much as I can. I found some wooden unfinished candlesticks on amazon for $10 for 2. We have lots of leftover stain, so I'll stain them and then maybe do a white wash over them and distress a bit to show the stain underneath. We have a zillion plastic pots outdoor plants came in, in several sizes that dh won't throw out. I'm going to get some jute rope and get out my hot glue gun and make some planter baskets wrapped in jute and then buy some fake greenery to put in them (on sale/with coupons, of course). We also have a million boxes from all the stuff shipped all the time, that I can wrap some small boxes in the jute and make some baskets for fake plants, too.

I found an inexpensive copper looking tray on amazon for $17. Then last night dd was at Cabelas and saw this cute set of 3 pillar type fake candles that look like wood. I said they are super cute and she asked me if I wanted her to pick them up for me. I said well, let me just see if they are online, so we wouldn't also have to pay for her shipping to me. They are online and $29. Then I said to her, well if you want to get those for me for my birthday gift, that would be great! She had asked me the other day for some gift ideas for my birthday next month. So she said Done! Happy Birthday! LOL.

I kept looking for a cheaper wood framed rustic mirror. I found this one on Amazon for $80 - and it's much bigger. I also found some of those metal corner brackets, like the first mirror has, online for $2.50 each. But, then I went downstairs to look at the wall space above the table - this mirror on Amazon is huge 42x29 and I think it would look too big. So, back to searching for something similar in style and price, but smaller.

I also have an old painting "print" that was in my old old house (2 houses ago LOL) but does not match ANY decor I have now. I keep saying I'll take it to Goodwill but keep forgetting to get it out of the closet. Well, shoot, it's a large picture and the frame is pretty nice. Why don't I see if I can find something new to put in the frame, that matches my decor? I need to figure out the exact size and see what I can come up with. The frame is like 36x28 and it does have a mat in it, too. I found a neat picture I could order online, it's actually of the river we live on, taken just a few miles from us. Different sizes of prints are offered, so I think I'll see if I can get that to work and have a new framed picture for minimal $.

Not to mention I tend to decorate an area slowly and in stages, so it doesn't look complete, so then I'm not really liking it....I just want to get this little area all done at once and not spend a fortune.


  1. Try places like Kirklands, TJMaxx - on-line. They have a lot of the little decorating figurines, etc. for reasonable prices. Also try Hobby Lobby.

    1. I've been trying, but even those places things are pricey.

  2. Buy any mirror and have husband make frame and use those fasteners. If he can make the place to put the mirror in the back, you will have a mirrow without the cost. You might even find a mirror in a crappy frame.

    1. He has made a few mirrors for us, but he's been crabby lately about me asking him to build things, as he really doesn't like doing woodwork like that much. He doesn't mind building stuff that's "rough", but he doesn't know how/doesn't like to do finish work type projects.

    2. Well, show him, and tell him how much it costs for the bought mirror. If he does not bite, well buy one.

  3. I'll be interested to see your pot planters. I have a ton too and am loath to get rid of them so ...

    1. I watched a couple of videos on youtube. Just rope and glue gun, LOL. Seems like something I can handle ;)
