Monday, December 21, 2020

Short week

Well, this isn't Montana winter weather LOL. It's raining (pouring) again today and going to be almost 50 degrees. I'm waiting to hear back from our IT dept this morning, as I can't open my email. At least I can access it via my phone and also I can open it from the internet, but of course that isn't all real handy or efficient way to work. Hopefully they will contact me soon to resolve. It should be a fairly quiet 2 days of work this week. Lots of people are taking the week off, including my boss, who I typically get a lot of emails and messages from.

I need to go put some outgoing mail in our mailbox, but waiting until I can at least see to walk there, haha. Sunrise here isn't until 8:22. I'm always happy when today comes each winter, as then I get to tell myself from here forward it will start getting lighter out just a bit earlier each day and staying lighter out just a bit longer each day. 

Just got a call from one of the IT guys. He can't figure out why my email isn't working, so he set me up with a "fix" to view my email from my browser until the head IT guy can take a look when he gets in later this morning.

I sent my friend in town a text yesterday morning - asking her if she has to work this week (I don't think so as the schools closed until the new year) and that we wanted to stop by for a few minutes and wish them a Merry Christmas, and when would be a good time to catch them home (hopefully both of them home, as her dh works nights now). Crickets..........she has been weird the past 6 months or so. DH tries to text with her dh, and while her dh is not much of a texter he used to occasionally text dh first to say hi. He would always text dh during hunting season to show him what he got and I don't think he did this year. Hard to know what the problem could be, it's not like we've even been able to have much face to face contact since Covid hit, to do something to upset them? She and I used to text fairly often and she's usually quite humorous to text with. At the beginning of the year her son and his new wife had a baby, who got sick and had to go out of state to a children's hospital. She kept me up to date and I even sent her a check to give them, to help them out with all the expenses they were having. (baby is fine now) This was right before Covid hit. Then she got the baby chicks and had the extra ones and asked if I wanted them. I did, but our coop wasn't even started building yet. Then it took 2 months to build. Several times I told her I'm sorry, but I can't take them until it's done/ready, so if you have someone else who would like them, please go ahead and let them have them. She held on to them and I was able to take them last May, but texting with her has been really hit and miss. Like once in awhile I'll text her to say hi and she doesn't even reply. Then 2 weeks later she'll text me that she's got free food to give away. I did text her last month to ask what kind of chicken water heater she used and she did reply, but again, nothing more than answering me. Then after I used it awhile I texted her a picture and said this set up is working great and she gave a quick one text reply.  Who knows.....I know life changed a lot for them this past year, in some ways. Her dh used to work out of state and was gone 2-3 weeks, then home 2 weeks. When covid hit he chose to quit, I guess, because there was no way for him to go there, as he'd have to get there 2 weeks prior to his work session starting and quarantine in a hotel for 2 weeks, then he could work his 3 weeks, but he couldn't go back home, or he'd have to quarantine to go work again. So he found a job about an hours drive from home. Of course it's much less pay, so I'm sure they aren't happy about that and I know she was used to having him gone all the time and not home on a daily basis....

DH had ordered 2 sets of big heavy gate hinges for his big gate to put out front, like 6 weeks ago. They sent one set, but we've had to wait for the other set and it's supposed to come today. I guess now dh needs to find someone who can do some welding of the hinges to our gate posts. I'm sure that will be a chore to find someone and then get them to actually come and do it, LOL.  

I have a few odds and ends to order online, just stuff we are out of/need but I'm going to wait a few days to get ordered. I don't want/need them before Christmas or needing to give the UPS/FedEx drivers more work than they are already delivering up through Christmas eve, LOL. 


  1. I know your friend's texting is bothering you, but I wonder if she is just going through something and cannot express it to you? So instead she is less chatty. I hope she comes around! IT problems right before vacation, classic!

    1. If it something me or my dh has done/said then most likely she's not going to tell me, as most people don't seem to do that. It could very well be those problems above I mentioned. I've always gotten the impression she liked having her dh gone for 2-3 weeks at a time (they had been doing this about 6 years now or so). I'm sure work has her worn out too, with all the Covid stuff - schools open, schools closed, masks, etc.

    2. It's jj just on my other account! I don't know that you have done anything, but you're right she probably won't say anything. It is weird, she seemed happy to give you the chickens and food so not sure what went left. But this pandemic is taking its toll on us all!!

    3. HA! I didn't realize you were the same person. I'm sure she's busy is part of it. A couple months ago when I tried to engage her in more than just a single text reply and asked her how she's been doing? she replied "buried, but still healthy" and that was that.

      It took dh like a year to drag out of his buddy, who lives about a half hour from us, what his problem has been...and his reason was such a small/petty (not even true)thing that we honestly think he probably has some other reason, but won't say what his real problem is. DH gave up on him after that. My gut tells me that it's his drinking, which has seemed to increase over the 4 years we've lived here and been around him. We don't drink and I have a feeling he wants to drink, but when we're around, but feels like he shouldn't around us or something. Hard to say. Dh can sometimes be a bit "much" in communicating with people, in my opinion. Or maybe that's just me. I don't mind texting with someone back and forth for a few minutes, but he'll text and text and text and they are long. I see him doing that with our neighbors and with the guy he reconnected with he went to school with/who did our sprinkler system. His texts are normal, couple of sentences reply. DH has to write a book in texts to him. I think he can be a bit much to a lot of people!

    4. yeah sometimes some big paragraphs can be intimidating! that is sad about his drinking, and that he can't be honest with you guys! good friends are so hard to come b.

    5. they are very hard to come by and it's sad because he is a great guy and it's really sad that he feels he needs to drink all the time to enjoy his life.
