Saturday, December 26, 2020

Back to normal-ish's always kind of a relief to have Christmas over, haha. My dinner of the usual turkey and fixings turned out good, though about a half hour delayed because one of dh's friends who lives in California called to wish him a Merry Christmas. DH was "indisposed" at the time, so I chatted with him for quite a long time. He called just as I was about to stuff the bird. Mom did take a nap before dinner, which was a bit easier on me getting the side dishes ready.

Dh got his new telescope put together fairly quickly. We did look at some land areas in the distance, but it was too cloudy last night to view the sky. But, I know we'll have plenty of opportunity to view in the days ahead. Our big Christmas tree is right in the way of the window where we will set it to try to view the eagles nest, so that will have to wait until we take the tree down.

Mom seemed to have completely forgotten that we spent a good hour or more video chatting with dd and her hubby the evening before. The repeated questions haven't seemed quite as bad as at Thanksgiving, but I also know that is because she has only been here a couple of days vs. 5 days. LOL. Mostly I have answered numerous times if I know what the weather forecast is, and when do I take down my Christmas decorations. I turned on the tv last evening to watch a show, (just a comedian special) but she seemed to have a hard time following it or understanding when they talked fast. After it was over I turned the channel to a movie and realize why she doesn't watch those either. She just can't remember what is going on long enough to follow the plot. But, it passed the time, so that was good.

We got a little bit of snow last night, so I'm sure dh will want to drive us to take her back to her place after lunch today. We'll see. I just looked at the weather app and now it's staying rain later this morning so maybe it will be all ok. Temp up to 40 this afternoon. After dropping her off I just need to pick up my grocery order.

It's only Saturday, that kind of feels like a Sunday. And I am so excited to have a whole week off to relax. 

When we were looking online at the cabinets to order for dh's shop we first decided to order 2 sample doors, so I placed the order. Then he saw that the good sale ended that day so we picked the one we thought we'd like best (they were both a darker stain) and hoped for the best. Well, the 2 sample doors came Wednesday. Thankfully we did order the one we ended up liking best now after seeing it in person. Whew! I'm not sure how long until they arrive, but probably at least a few weeks.


  1. I can imagine a movie would be hard to follow with memory loss. Your meal sounds delicious. My hubs does not use the telescope as much as he thought but hopefully yours will get good use.

    1. I doubt dh will use the telescope a whole lot, but I think he will use it quite a bit to watch the eagles next across the river.

  2. We found that Mom did well watching Hallmark channel movies since the scenery is beautiful and the plot for each movie was virtually the same.

    1. that makes sense. I think at home she just watches the news, Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. It also sounds like she sometimes will watch football, as she remembers she and my dad watched that a lot.

  3. I would love a telescope! At least she still remembers there is weather and you take the tree down! sigh

    I found a book I am going to get about Alzheimers and will post it one day.

    1. I just read your post mentioning the book. You'll have to let me know how you liked it and if it was informative/helpful.
