Tuesday, December 22, 2020

last day of work this year

What a transformation a friend of mine just went through in looks. Wow! I have known her since I was 5 years old. She lived across the street and I think a grade older than me, but she went to the Catholic school and I went to the public school. I lived in that house 4 years and moved away in 4th grade, never to see her again. We connected on Facebook several years back. She's a beautiful, tall, black lady. Since I have known her on Facebook the past years her hair has always been black, straightened and about shoulder length with bangs. She has a killer smile. Well, she just chopped her hair off very short and curly, no bangs, and let it go white/gray! She looks absolutely stunning! It's quite a change. 

Still no text back from my friend in town. Hopefully we can connect sometime maybe next week, after Christmas. I will try texting one more time next week. 

I need to take something to mail for work out to my mailbox again this morning. I just know it's going to be icy out there. It was so wet from all the rain the past couple of days and then got near freezing last night. But, mail comes pretty early so gotta get it out.  

I was totally bummed that with all our rain the sky was all cloudy last night and no chance to see the Christmas star. Usually we have clear skies and a great view of stars. Everyone's pictures I am seeing on Facebook are so neat, it sure would have been neat to see in person. But, I have to say in the past couple of months I have seen 2 things in the sky I have never seen before: a shooting star and the Capella star, so that is pretty neat, too.

Well, the walk to the mailbox was ok. It's been snowing lightly, so there is a little bit on the pavement. I did hear one of the bald eagles calling during my walk.

My chicken (Gladys), who has the areas of feathers missing, at least doesn't look any worse the past couple of days, so I feel better about that. She still eats and is active just like the others. I don't know how long it takes to get her feathers back, but I did take a picture of her the other day, when I asked my sister about it, so I have something to compare it to to see if it's getting worse or better.

I wish I would have thought to get another puzzle to do while mom is here. When I had those puzzles over Labor day weekend it was a good thing to keep her busy and focused. Less time for her mind to just wander and repeat all day. I gave my dd the puzzles when she was here visiting last. Otherwise I just would have done one of them again - mom probably wouldn't have remembered she even did a puzzle here a few months ago, let alone that it was the same one! LOL.

My last day of work this year. Basically I HAVE to get payroll done and the state monthly business tax return filed. Hit a snag already trying to do payroll, of course. For some reason everyone is showing a Holiday pay of 8 hours for Saturday 12/26. Well we aren't even open on weekends, so I don't know why/how that got there. It was supposed to have been fixed, last week, when I caught it, but logging in this morning I see it's still there, so I put an email into our payroll advisor. So, now I wait for her reply.

I just got a call from one of our manufaturer's. Apparently they sent us a commission check back in March that has never cleared the bank. I don't show receiving/posting it. She is sending out a replacement check today - it's for $53,000, so that's a nice "surprise" for us. My boss will be happy to hear this news.

I'm trying to figure out that new AmEx card I got. They already credited me the $200 cash back for making the $1500 in purchases, so that is great, but the card was also supposed to be 1.5% cash back on all purchases and so far (after one statement) I have none showing. I guess I'll have to call and ask.

While I'm waiting for payroll person to get back to me, I'm going to run downstairs and jump in the shower.


  1. I finally opened up the second "wasgij" (jigsaw backwards) puzzle that I bought and my DIL spent about 2 hours sitting there doing it while my son was doing some work for me. She loves them. Pity you haven't got one for your mom to do though because, like you say, I'm sure she wouldn't remember that she'd already done it!

    1. I just remembered I didn't give dd the 1000 pc puzzle (she helped me finish it while she was here) so in a pinch I could use that one, but it was really hard :( I have to go into town tomorrow for milk and stuff. I wonder if our little pharmacy store would have puzzles....

  2. Oh, your friend did the big chop!! Usually that is when black ladies stop using relaxer and they go natural - and decide not to relax it anymore!

    Hopefully you figure out the puzzle and payroll situation!

    1. yes, friend totally changed her hair and she looks so dang amazing. She looked beautiful before, but this is a totally different beautiful look :)

  3. If she gets tired of the hard puzzle, I am sure a 50 piece puzzle would be welcome. Maybe your friend is having marital or money problems and that has nothing to do with your relationship. Stay in touch and eventually you will know.

    1. I just probably won't be able to get another puzzle in the next few days, before I go pick her up. I am wondering too if friend is having problems. Pretty sure (from what little he's said to my dh) her hubby hates his new job situation, not to mention not having the money he was making. I will try texting her again next week, after Christmas and hope for a reply.

  4. Definitely check the pharmacy for a puzzle. They can surprise you the things they provide. Also, regarding the icy path, order a pair of YakTrax cleats for walking on the ice. My husband used them last winter and he said they made him feel very secure tromping around on the packed snow and ice. They're around $20 at Amazon. My daughter in law had a brain injury. Not her first bump on the head. Previously had fallen on ice and had a concussion. Better to be safe than sorry. Ranee (MN)

    1. I think the little pharmacy store might have some too. I've only been in there a handful of times (for a few prescriptions. mostly for our dogs, haha) but they have drug store type items, I noticed things like office supplies, wrapping paper, etc. Those cleats sound like a smart thing to have! I'm going to look into those

  5. Puzzles are the best. Mom loved making them but, then she would have them framed. We all have tons of puzzles she made on our walls. I should remember to post the ones I have.

    1. I've heard of people framing them. My sis said she has done a couple of chicken/rooster ones she framed.
