Monday, December 7, 2020

Movie watching

I watched a couple of movies on Prime Saturday afternoon and evening. One called The Secret. A friend recommended it. It's sorta based on the Rhonda Byrne book from mid 2000's, which I had listened to on audio book probably 3 times years ago while commuting to work and read once, haha. I do think that what you think about is what you get/end up with. I would never have moved or have this beautiful home if I hadn't changed my way of thinking. 

I spent a LOT of years just pretty much in survival mode, living paycheck to paycheck, or taking on debt just to get by. A LOT of years just stuck in a deep rut. And too busy with everything - work, school, then kids, work, racing with the kids, dh's business (which was always a struggle), etc. I remember when Pinterest first became popular and I was checking it out to see what the hype was all about. I was like this is dumb to even look at. I'll never have or do these nice things. I live in this falling apart double wide with a crappy yard. Then I was going through bankruptcy, which took over a year of my life to complete. No sense in "dreaming" about or pinning those nice things I like on Pinterest.

Then finally, life started to slow down a bit and I had a good paying job (best decision I ever made was to take this job) and got the side job. Though dh couldn't work, he did now have time to fix up our yard of weeds and overgrown lawn and over a 2-3 years we fixed it up really nice with landscaping and hard work. We had the outside repainted in new colors. We did a couple of projects inside the old house. Replaced kitchen and laundry flooring. Redid both bathrooms (though we hired the cousin of a friend for that). I had joined Pinterest and as I pinned things I realized I could start dreaming and actually have goals for me, again.

This was our double wide when we sold it.

Once I started thinking about things I wanted or wanted to do, I realized that was the start to actually getting them. When we decided to move to Montana that was all we knew of our plan to start, LOL. But, idea and plans led to the next ideas and plans and we just kept going with it. First we had to decide where to live, try to figure out how to get a decent job there. At the time we were thinking it would probably be best to find the job first and me move there until we could then sell and find a place there. But, after I told my boss we were moving, that changed into me keeping my job! That changed EVERY THING. 

My inlaws were a couple that just about always expected the worse. "We're doomed" I used to say, to describe them. Obviously it rubbed off on dh and me in our lives, especially in the early years. When you are always around negativity that's what your life becomes. I remember, before I had kids, I had a boss I really liked. He was easy going, funny, with kind of a sarcastic sense of humor (me too). But, he got transferred to a different position and I got a new boss. This guy was HAPPY and energetic. A very positive person. After being around him it made me realize how negative my old boss really was and I just hadn't realized it. I went from just doing my job every day to actually started enjoying being at work.

I'm not some new age guru. But, I do believe in the power of positive thinking and I would probably benefit even more from it, if I did it even more often. DH isn't one of those types of peoples, he's a lot like his parents, so it does take work on my part to remain positive a lot of the time and not get back into that rut way of thinking.


  1. I can relate to the power of positive thinking. It really does help.

  2. In my opinion, having a positive attitude helps to be cheerful and motivated but, that's about it. The Secret was all the rage for a while.

    1. I'm not really really convinced about the "universe" aspect of her beliefs, but I do think if you focus on positive things you will draw positive into your life more

  3. I am so happy for you that just changing a bit changed your life. That house you have now is a far cry from a double wide.

    1. yes, it sure is a far cry and we lived in that double wide for 27 years!

  4. Your old home looks really nice. Good landscaping.
    I try to be positive too. It's not always easy, especially this past year.
    You can actually see what it has done for you.
    The past ten years or so, I've tried to rid my life of negative people. I totally relate to your old boss story.
    The table in your last post is very attractive. You have a good "eye". 😊

    1. Thank you. We tried to fix up the place and dh discovered he has a bit of a knack for landscaping and also that he enjoys mowing on a riding mower. You should see my Pinterest pins now - thousands LOL. I'm hoping I like the new table as much as I do in the picture. It has a lot of great reviews and the other customers that posted pics in their homes seem to have pretty nice homes, so I think it will be a good one.

  5. I grew up poor, but didn't really know it until teen age years, and then most people had :just enough: so I still never felt poor. A few "rich kids" had more, but they weren't really the norm. I think this is how I raised my kids too-there is always enough, andmore than most people have. they are generally satisfied with the quality of their lies, and long for travel and experiences an dnot stuff. I've of course gone in ruts-we are all human, and husbands family is more materialistic and prestige chasing, so it can get hard when all together-not envy, annoyance.

    1. I don't think thinking positive completely has to do with being poor or rich or wanting to have nice things. If experiences are what you want, then that is what a person should focus their energy and thoughts on obtaining. For me, while some experiences can be nice and memorable, I find that they most often leave me feeling like I spent the money and "well, that's gone now". Sure, there are experiences that don't cost - like exploring the mountains around me, but I'd much rather have "materialistic" things with the money I do have to spend, rather than a memory of something. It also doesn't even have to be about money. It could be someone who is in a rut with their job or career. A change in thinking could lead to a different job, rather than just thinking you are stuck in that job and can't change it.

  6. She turned her cant's into cans and her cans into plans-author unknown
