Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Computer hassles

Yesterday was a busy long day. We had problems (again/still) with our accounting software, so only one of us was allowed to have it open. Apparently IT fixed it overnight, but had to shut our server down for a bit (again) to do it, so that's why it didn't get fixed until after the workday ended. I'm sure IT is getting as frustrated with this as my boss and I are.

The night before dh had asked "don't we have the Hatfields and McCoys" movie (the one with Kevin Costner) and I said yes and went and found it in all our dvds. We don't have a dvd/bluray player hooked up anymore (I plan to when we get our bonus room set up with a big tv), but he should have been able to watch it from his computer. Geez, I guess Windows 10 doesn't even really have a player anymore. We had to use something else so he could watch and even that was a pain. For some reason his dvd/cd drive sometimes wants to work and sometimes not. I don't think he's even used it for anything since he got this computer. Put the disc in and it reads that there is a disc in the drive, but won't play. Then the next time it won't recognize a disc is in the drive. After 3 or 4 tries, it would finally play.

Last evening he went to put the dvd away and came back down with a few more to watch. Well, the first one I finally realized wouldn't work because it was blu-ray. The next one was some homemade racing video he bought years ago. I couldn't get it to work. So, it's 9:20pm when he starts all this. I'm just about to head into bed. Finally at 10:30 I get to go to bed! I was able to get a regular dvd movie he had picked out working. Then he got out his old old laptop and later told me he was able to watch that racing dvd on it. Then this morning he says sorry, he didn't realize how late it was when he was having me help.

I called my mom's medicare advantage plan insurance to make sure she doesn't need to "re-enroll" for 2021. She doesn't. They will automatically continue her coverage for the new year. Took me 5 minutes of going through their phone system to finally get to talk to someone to answer that simple question.

I still have the dang headache at the base of my skull. I counted how many of those new pills I've used to see if it started around the time I started using those. Nope. I've been taking them for 35 days now LOL, so that is not what's causing it. I thought I had maybe started them a couple week ago. Time flies when you are having fun, eh?

Today is payday. I still have a couple of bills I pay online, but not on auto pay. Mostly because I kinda like to pay them and check them off my list, haha. But, with all I have now to do, with the addition of my mom's life, I think I'm going to get those put on auto pay now, too. 

In other good news, my company president has decided to close our office between Christmas and New Years, giving everyone the time off paid. I had already set up to use my PTO days to have that time off, so now I won't need to use it. I'm never going to get my oodles of hours used up!


  1. I wonder if your headache is tension/stressed based? Life has been pretty hectic as of late, and you might not realize your body is reacting to stressors. I hope you can figure it out though.

    As for your work, how wonderful. Why not use some of those extra hours on the long weekends in 2021? Or every time you visit your mom? You always nee the time to decompress after her visits!

    1. I think it's stress, too. Dh got me stressed out for awhile about the same time this started and now I can't seem to get my neck muscles to relax. When I first started getting these types of headaches (years ago after my car accident) the dr gave me some muscle relaxers to take and once I took one of those it would finally break the cycle. I always hated taking them though, as they give me RLS for several hours. I do just need to start using up some of that time off here and there, like you said.

    2. Maybe with enough heat, they might relax? Otherwise you can take the pills and I know my mom has started using magnesium for her RLS. She mixes it in with orange juice every night before she sleeps. She also does take melatonin from time to time! So a combo of things might be able to make the headache go away.

      I definitely think you can make a bunch of nice long weekends happen in 2021 with the extra days. And worst case, you know you have them in case of emergency too!

    3. I wish I still had one of those muscle relaxer pills! ha! Haven't needed one for years now. By the time I'd get with my doctor for an appointment, the headache will probably be gone.

  2. I hate phone systems and the time and stress they cost me!

    1. I find phone systems extremely annoying. and what's really the worst is to finally get to a person an hour later and then they are from some outsourced country where they don't know the answer, LOL.
