Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Decor on a dollar

When I come across decor for my home that I like I always do an online search to see if I can find it cheaper on another website. Sometimes I can. Sometimes I end up just using that "idea" and getting something similar, in order to save money.

For example I came across this cute "birdie" table lamp. $85. I couldn't find it anywhere else, though I did sign up for their email and get a $15 off $50 purchase code, which would bring it down to $70. It would go perfect on my desk (I have some metal bird art on the wall over my desk).

 In searching Amazon to see if they carry it, I came across this bird lamp. 

Also very cute - and it's only $39, less then half the price. While the top one totally makes me think of the adorable mountain chickadees that come to my birdbath, the bottom one is very cute, so I have a feeling I'll be ordering that one, so that I have $30 left to spend on something else!

This is the lamp I got 2 of to go on the nightstands in the guest bedroom next to the bear log bed.

These were pricey (at least to me!) at $76 each. Well......that was the price yesterday when I put them in my cart! This morning they were at $89. I've had that happen numerous times before, so I am careful to watch to see if the price changes if I don't order it right away. That happened with that live edge coffee table I recently got. The price went up like $60, so I deleted it and checked back a few days later and the price was back down. Anyhow, the $76 lamps are 15" tall. I discovered there is also the same lamp in 12" tall size. I took my ruler into the room and did some estimating and decided I think I'd like the smaller ones better, and those were $70, so I saved $12 total of what I was going to spend. That $12 paid for the pack of AA batteries I also ordered for dh, LOL.

And while I'm on the topic of decor and trying to obtain it frugally - what the hell is wrong with people who post stuff for sale on Marketplace?! I came across this wood "card table" for sale about a half hour from me. Looks nice and solid wood for $100. It's been listed for 2 weeks. I messaged the seller to ask if it's still available and if so, what are the dimensions. Finally yesterday afternoon I see that she saw the message. No reply back. I had hoped it might be something that works for up in our bonus room. A round table to play games, do puzzles, etc.  

I received an email yesterday that my long awaited loveseat has arrived at the local delivery place and I should be getting a call from them soon to schedule delivery time. Finally. And speaking of deliveries, I ordered dh a maintenance kit for his Honda lawnmower back in the beginning of the month. It still hasn't arrived and it shipped out on the 10th. Nice job post office! NOT! First it showed tracking the first 3 days as still in the town in Indiana where it was shipped from. Then nothing for over 2 weeks. Then 2 days ago it finally shows received at distribution center, still in Indiana. Yesterdays update just says in transit. I don't know whether to just report it missing and get a refund or wait a few days and see. I think I'll check tracking tomorrow and if still not showing it getting closer, I'll get a refund and re order. Good grief.

I'm still helping my sissy with setting up Quickbooks, but sounds like she has a pretty good grasp on it now. Though she is supposed to call me later this morning to get help figuring out how to record credit card charges and payments. 

DH took down some of the Christmas lights outside yesterday and will probably pull down the ones on the house and shop today. He's got BIG plans for more lights next year LOL. I'm trying to order more from the website we got the new ones from but they must still be out of stock. Either that or their website isn't working right. With as much as he wants to do, I'll be ordering some all year long, haha. Then he said he wants a manger set/scene for the yard, so I'm trying to find that/figure out which one we like best. Then I said "wouldn't a real Christmas train going around the front yard field look cool?" OOPS! Now he so wants to do that, LOL. He said there was this house where he grew up that had full on lights and stuff in the yard that everyone came to see. He wants that. haha.


  1. Great strategies on finding the things for your home. I'm doing a lot of thinking about what we need or don't, and want, rather than need. Regardless, I want to spend as little as possible.

    1. I definitely still have a lot of walls that are blank and need something on them, but I don't want to spend $100-$300 per wall for artwork!

  2. My walls were decorated over years, taking things down and selling and replacing when I found something I really liked. I think it is great you do not get your heart set on the more expensive item. I would cut corners elsewhere to have the first bird lamp. It is just more aesthetically pleasing, and I love the shade. Those 2 lamps are cute! I think it is funny how your husband wants to do more lights and decorating. I like that.

    1. I haven't ordered the bird lamp yet and am leaning towards your recommendation. I really like the first one better. I just found something for one of the walls in the bear log bedroom that is metal art and only $22, which is way less than some of the things I've been looking at to put on the wall (I have 2 empty walls still in that room), so I cut a big corner there to help cover the extra $30 for the lamp.

  3. Both of the bird lamps are really cute... but I have to tell you I LOVE the lantern lamps. That is RIGHT up my alley...We actually got our outside lights up again this year. Damn near killed myself hanging those icicle lights on the gutters but they are up. Next year I'd like to put up more but I"ll wait to see how long it takes me to get these down IF I even take them down...LOL

    1. I've been looking at regular bedside table lamps for quite awhile. I also looked at some that had bears for the bases, but it just felt like too much bear in the room LOL. Then I saw the lantern lamps the other day and I'm like those are perfect! Good luck with the lights. My dh took ours down and it wasn't too bad for him.

  4. Check outdoornativitystore.com We bought one from them, one of the colored ones. They are beautiful and heavy duty. We got the largest ones they make. Will add more things to our next year. We got the manger, mary, joseph and baby Jesus and star

    1. Hi, that is the set I just ordered, in color, but I just got the standard size. I didn't have $1250 to spend, haha! I'm glad to hear they are nice quality.
