Saturday, February 29, 2020

Baby chicks and real estate chat

My last 2 weeks doing MTurks has been fair, earnings wise. I did $68 the week before and this week just ending I'm at $45 with 15 more pending payment, so probably at $60 or so, this week too. I didn't find much yesterday, but at least this morning I am at $5.40, which isn't bad for a weekend and have found all the hits in the 45 minutes I've been sitting here doing other stuff on my computer.

My friend, former neighbor in town, texted me last night. She's got like 24 baby chicks and sent a video. I joked I'll take 3, LOL. She actually has extras, said come and get them. I said no, not ready yet. DH has to get the chicken coop/shed done first. She's got like 10 for herself and 12 for her mom to take. But, just for fun I'm going over to see her tomorrow, so I can see the chicks and visit with her.

There is this place for sale in our area. I'm pretty sure it's been for sale since we first started looking over here in 2016. It's a big home and shop and sits on about 5 acres. From the outside it has never looked like much or very impressive. No landscaping at all, overgrown a bit. It's been off and on the market, with different realtors, this whole time and I wanted to say I thought it was $500k asking price range. A year or so ago I came across it again and looked at the pictures. It's way nicer inside than it looks from the outside, so I remember commenting to DH that I'm surprised it hasn't sold in all this time. Now, it's with another realtor - they;re trying to market it with fancy listing and actually increased the listing price from $499,000 to $799,000! Ok, sure - that'll work, haha! One of my facebook friends shared the new listing and another lady, who actually lives right over by this home commented "$799k - have they lost their minds?". No kidding. If you haven't sold it in over 3 years going from like $600k down to $499k, you sure aren't going to get $799k.

Well, better get started with my day. MTurks seems to have slowed down adding any new hits, so I'm getting off the computer. I think I'll go make that tapioca pudding I was thinking about yesterday.


  1. Real estate is an interesting business isn't it? Our house is in the sweet price range where there are way more buyers than homes available, and we know once we list, it will go fast since it is four bedrooms, two baths, backs up to a park, and is on a cul de sac. Of course we would want as much as we could get for it so have some upgrades and maintenance before then-at least 6 years away. Unfortunately, we are one of the bigger, and I'm just going to say nicer house, in our neighborhood so that could hurt a little bit. We have so much equity though as we bought the house 30 years ago, 20% below it's market value and of course it has increased in value 3X what we paid. We just don't know what a down sized house might cost us out of pocket, but I am hopeful we would after selling and buying a smaller home, we'd bank 20% of our homes value in cash. The chicks sound cute!

    1. it will be really interesting to see if they sell this house in the area. It's still hard to sell the higher end homes in this area, as most people who live and work here don't earn enough for something like that. Most of the people around here who own the nicer end homes came from out of the area and are usually retired. Those that work in the city and make decent money don't usually want to live this far out.

  2. Even if you had the chicken house done, those chicks would have to stay in your house or garage. Make sure you do NOT insulate the house for chickens! Have ventilation up high. Mine lived in a Rubbermaid box with a hole for the door. They only had a tarp for protection from the rain. Even in 9F degree weather and snow, they fared well. I wish I had chicks right now.

    1. yes, I think friend has her chicks in her garage and she's keeping her mom's chicks, too, until they are ready to go to her.

  3. That marketing strategy often works in real estate though.

    1. it will be really interesting to see how it pans out. I know at first they were with the local real estate agent that most everyone uses (they only one in the county) but honestly, they aren't very good, LOL. Their listings are pretty lame and the pictures are awful. (We did not use them to sell our house in town). Then they went with a couple others from the city. I'm not sure where this new realtor is from, but they seem to be going all out in making it look good, for that price. And you can tell they are trying to market it to those not from around here.

  4. Oh, baby chicks are fun! I am debating whether or not to get a few this year. 4 of mine are getting up there in age so they aren’t laying very well. I always keep my chicks in the house for at least 3 or 4 weeks if I don’t have a bunch. Then they move to the garage for a couple weeks. I don’t put them outside in the coop til they are 6 or 8 weeks old, depending on the weather. Last time I added chicks to my existing flock I had a terrible time-my oldest hens are just not very welcoming and friendly lol. Not sure I am up for that again.

    1. How long do chickens lay eggs for, on average? I've heard it can be hard to get chickens to accept new ones.

    2. I am not sure how long they lay. My oldest right now are probably 6 years old and last year they were still laying an egg almost every day. My husband built me a very secure coop about 3 years. Before that they were just out running all day and dogs or fox didn’t let them live to a ripe old age. I still let them out to run free but not all day. They have a very nice enclosed area now, safe from about anything but bears. As for adding new ones, I have done it multiple times in the 20 years I have had chickens and never had the problems I had last time. I did add one chicken last summer that was about 6 months old and they didn’t bother her at all. She was being very dominate and aggressive towards my daughters other chickens and she didn’t want her. I just tossed her in the yard with all of them when I had them out and everyone was fine with her. She’s also no longer trying to be top chicken here lol.

    3. Thanks for the info. I think it will be fun to have them and learn about them. And hopefully get a few eggs too ;)

  5. Houses here, in southern Calif., where I am, and in northern Calif. where my daughter lives, are too high priced for anyone one to buy! It'll be interesting to see if that house in your area sells for the asking price.

    1. I think if it had really nice landscaping, paved driveway, etc "MAYBE" they could ask $799k. From driving by it often (we go over there to look for deer and elk in the fields across) and pictures it's just dirt and weeds. Not even a lawn area in front of the house.

  6. As for getting old chickens to accept new ones, I solved that. I put a safe place in for the smaller, newer chicks. It was a cage that the larger ones could not get into. I would see the little ones scurrying in where they had their own food and water. I went out during the night and put the small ones on a perch. the older ones woke with the new chicks and were not so aggressive.
