Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wacky Wednesday

After almost 7 months I finally had a payroll that went pretty quick and smooth. It's a Christmas miracle! There was one little "glitch" where an employee who was terminated on 2/14 (last day of the previous payroll) was showing up to pay him for last week. I had no idea why. He quit, so he wasn't getting severance pay. I couldn't get a hold of my boss to double check we weren't supposed to pay him. I sent an email to our payroll tech to see if she knew anything about it. Then my boss messaged me and I was able to just go ahead and delete the hours, create the payroll batch and submit it. Like it only took 15 minutes or so and for once got done before noon.

Yesterday DH was texting with his older brother (still) and something came up where dh said send me a video of it. Brother had NO idea how to take a video with his phone.  We have iphones but bro has a Samsung so DH looked it up and told him how to do it - then his wife was apparently trying to figure it out and was videoing and sent it in the text and they didn't realize it. It was pretty funny.  Then he said something about he'll have to figure it out later, he's "almost out of wi-fi". Well, dh thinks he was referring to his phone data. Then it was determined they don't have their phone (I think they share one) on wi-fi when they are at home. DH was trying to tell him how to do it.....I was like "oh good grief! YOU trying to help someone with tech stuff?!!! That's like the blind leading the blind.".

On tap with work today is the IRS auditor is back at the office later this morning to go over document requests/questions he has, so I guess I will be in on a phone meeting for a couple of hours. This morning I am dealing with our most annoying salesperson, who needs to order something for one of her customers (basically for their personal or office use), but rather than just type out the items she needs to order, the cost from our mfg, the price she charging her customer, ship to address, etc. She just forwards this email chain 20 emails long and I'm supposed to figure it all out from going back and reading 20 emails. And ALL requests for orders are supposed to cc my boss, which she did not, so I replied back to her with all my questions, cc'ing my boss. I'm not this salesperson's personal assistant, LOL. Send me the order request with all the info, like everyone else does. She emails back that the ship to address is on the quote she attached. Nope, it's not. She also said our cost from mfg is 25% less than book......then my boss emailed, Nope. Not how it's done, LOL. Here goes another 20 emails....


  1. I love that you had a Christmas miracle. lol It's about time. From what you have said, I am surprised your husband and brother are still communicating. I absolutely hate having to read a string of emails to figure out what is going on!

    1. I'm sure at some point soon they will run out of stuff to catch up on. We'll see. I give it a couple of months and it will probably die down to every so often.

  2. Some people are just so lazy aren't they. I was responsible for authorizing repayment of education grant expenses at one time and one lazy bugger sent me in a huge envelope with individual one-day train and bus tickets for her son's entire school year. I'm usually quite placid but this time I just threw it all back in the envelope and said if she wanted it reimbursed she could sort it out as I'd seen better organized papers thrown at a bride on her wedding day! She never did it again!

    1. I hear ya. The order still isn't resolved and it's the end of the day.

  3. Some people just love to challenge procedures and rules. They want to bend rules for their own pleasure. How nice! Isn't it? Just the kind of person, I cannot stand.

    1. She just wants someone else to do her work, yet by doing that she just ended up creating more work, emails and delays for what she wanted done.
