Thursday, February 13, 2020

Just a bunch of wondering

DH is still in daily communication mode with his newly reconnected older brother. They've been texting, but now just connected on Facebook. I'm not sure how long it will last (DH gets offended easily, so I'm sure it will fizzle out as soon as brother says something to tick him off) but at least it's keeping him occupied, LOL. Brother has an older muscle car (their in common interest). DH does not have one. Of course now brother wants to share pics (of his and others he just likes) so now DH has muscles cars on his mind and thinks he should have one. I said well, then you will have to sell our house because this is where all our "vacations/hobbies/hot rods" etc is. Sure you brother can afford a muscle car...he lives in a small house that's hardly worth anything and that's all he has. He doesn't do vacations or other stuff, either.  Told DH to take his pick but I'm not going to listen to him whine that he doesn't have a muscle car, LOL.

I actually gave him that option when we owned the little house in town (which I reminded him of). I told him we could stay there, with that little house and little house payment and he could have those "toys". He didn't want to, so tough nuggets now, buster!

We are still waiting on his dad's will to get through probate. Who knows...We don't even know how much it will be let alone when, LOL. Apparently the 2019 tax return did just get done. Supposedly that was the last thing his sis was waiting to do. If it is the last thing that needed to be done, I don't know how long it will be before it's paid out to the 4 of them. Such a long process for a very small estate. DH did get a K-1 tax form from the estate, with deductions on it. At first I was like how in the world can they send a K-1 when DH hasn't even received anything from the estate? (Let alone inheritance isn't taxable.) But, then I realized it was 2 "losses" listed as final year deductions - what ever those are. One small amount that was "excess deductions" and a larger one "long term loss carryover". From what I can gather (I am not a tax accountant) DH has to report this on our tax return and gets to use $3000 of the long term capitol loss carryover (his share was like $8500). At least that's how it played out when I put it in our tax return program. From what I have read on the topic, we can claim the $3000 loss (if we don't have any gains to offset it with) each  year until the $8500 NOL is used up.

Still nothing on any annual salary increases with work. Other than the 2 owners and the 4 managers, it doesn't appear anyone has gotten a raise yet. Of course the 2 owners and 4 managers always get theirs put in the first week of January, LOL. I like how they sure expect their annual increase to be right on time every year,  haha! Just kind of strange no one has gotten anything and nothing about reviews (though most years they just don't do formal reviews). I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering....probably about 45 people wondering, LOL


  1. Will your husband want to use his windfall for a muscle car? Could that be what he is working up to?

    1. oh, I'm sure he will want to, LOL, but he knows we have house things still to do with it, finish out outside landscaping/fence. There's still lots of stuff we need to get (like a riding lawn mower!) before he gets a muscle car, LOL.

  2. Haha! I understand your husband. Sometimes, I catch myself wanting something I absolutely do not need just because, I read or see something about it. Especially, if I am exposed to that thing a few times in frequent intervals. Thankfully, I can stop myself before I do something I should not. Lol!

    1. Ha! I wouldn't have thought that of you. At least you see it and can stop yourself. I have to stop DH, LOL.

  3. I am glad your husband and his brother have found a common ground, even if it does give him the muscle car bug.

    1. I'm sure it's good for his brother, too. Dh said that he didn't mention their younger brother, who only lives about 15 min. from the oldest. They get along but I don't think those 2 ever see each other much as they really have nothing in common. Younger brother (and his wife) are more intellectual types.

  4. When one person handles all the finances I think it's hard for the other person to understand that they just can't "have" what they want - like a muscle car. That was our situation too, although goodness knows I tried to get my ex to show an interest in our finances but he never would. His "solution" was to just go out and buy what he wanted anyway and I had to make it work. I see it happening with my neighbours too, and while we could make it work while we were both working, next door are not in the same situation and she is pulling her hair out!

    1. That's how my dh used to be, but he understands better now and I don't give in now. When he was in business for himself he'd just spend and spend (on his business stuff) and then I was magically supposed to figure out how to to pay for it!
