Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The things that make you go hmmmm.....

My pantry storage containers arrived late yesterday. I want to wash them in the dishwasher, so I will do that today. They seem nice, but the tall/biggest ones aren't big enough for cereal, so I will be ordering a couple containers for some cereal storage. One of the tall skinny ones will definitely be good for spaghetti noodles. I'm not quite sure why the set includes a nice scoop. The containers are too narrow to actually scoop down into to get anything out.

DH and I have a running joke between us about spaghetti. He likes the taste of it, but he doesn't like that an hour after he eats it he's totally hungry again. He'd rather just not eat it, but I love spaghetti. So, the joke is he has to eat spaghetti 2 times a year, LOL. I made spaghetti last week and he had leftovers the second night, so he's calling it good for the year.

He made a Facebook post, with a picture of my new pantry containers and a joke that it's a good thing I ordered air tight, so I can store the spaghetti noodles that won't get eaten for another year ;).  His newly reconnected with older brother had to make a comment like $3.99 to store $2 worth of spaghetti....the things that make you go hmmm...

DH was like (just to me) why do people always have to judge what we do and have? He said he knows brother doesn't mean anything malicious by it, but just typical of the way people are, I guess. I said I'll keep my mouth shut......BUT, what I would reply back would be something snarky like "$10 a DAY to suck smoke into your lungs....the things that make you go hmmm..."

I like to spend my money on things that are aesthetically pleasing to me. And I'd like to be able to keep my noodles fresher longer, so that next time (2021! haha) I make spaghetti I don't need to go to the store and buy noodles and throw out the half a bag of what I do have in the pantry.

That's why I don't "do people" LOL. Just give me my dogs, a comfy home and a good book and I'm good.


  1. I don't "do" social media at all. Too many people trying to be witty, etc. Although, as someone who used to cook a lot of pasta, (we used to eat it at least 3 times/week) and purchased special containers for it (glass containers for the counter in a different home with a tiny pantry) I said exactly the same thing to myself!
    I think that putting money into things that are aesthetically pleasing is worth it in the long run. If am comfortable in my home, and it pleases me visually, I will be less inclined to leave it and spend money elsewhere.
    We are still feeling our way around our new home. After so long in our old place, it's been tough--for instance, I keep looking for things to be where they were in the old place, or turning in a certain direction.

    1. I'm still trying to remember where things are now, too. LOL. The kitchen is the hardest, being such a different layout than my previous 2 u-shaped kitchens (not counting the shop ha!).

  2. Your pantry sounds aesthetically so pleasing. And I think a lot of people assume things based on what we post on social media - little do we know! We don't pay your bills, or help you around the house so our opinions are worth the same amount you paid us to give em!

    1. HA! so true. I just don't give friends/family my opinion on what they do and buy. I remember about 30 years ago eating lunch at the work lunch room with a coworker friend. She smoked and I think we must have still be able to smoke in the lunch room at the time. I pulled a twinkie out of my lunch bag and she says "oh, yuck - you eat that processed crap?" I replied "well, it can't be any worse for me than that cigarette you are smoking".

    2. Ha ha, my ex used to go crazy if I heated olive oil to cook, because don't you know if you heat it too much it's a carcinogen (said he with a cigarette hanging out his mouth)!

  3. yeah, I don't get it either. some people just seem to have no filter. I spent more than $3.99 on my containers - about 38 years ago I did my pantry in tupperware sets. All still in great condition and getting used every day, so they've been great value over the long term. we all spend our money differently & its really no one else business. Walking into a nicely organised pantry feels so good and saves time - enjoy your new containers :)

    1. I got the set for $50 (12 piece)and yes, it's something that will last for the long run/many years, so worth the "$3.99" cost to me. And having my food stuff visible and not crammed in a cupboard of stacked underneath other food will probably make me use it up better and not waste $/food.

  4. I'm with you. Give me my dogs and good books and a comfy home. Life is good:)

    1. Yep! so many people just suck the enjoyment out of life. I have a friend I've had for years. Her enjoyment is going to thrift stores and estate sales (like almost every week) and buying lots of "stuff" She posts pics of all the stuff and rather than comment something like "where do you have room to put all that or what do you do with all that?" I just click like or say "nice find". She doesn't need someone questioning why she's doing something she enjoys just because my mind is thinking "oh, I couldn't deal with all that clutter".

  5. I have had many friends who did not approve of my spending while they smoked, drank, clubbed, and traded cars about every two years, yet commented on a Hershey bar I would eat or a piece of antique furniture bought cheaply, needing repair or leather gloves bought new at end of season and 70% off. Their lifestyle consisted of things I considered trashy or ephemeral. Yes, we are not friends and no longer are acquaintances.

    1. We all have opinions on others choices but I don't give them mine about it (unless they specifically asked for my opinion). We have a 50 inch tv, we bought probably 6 years ago. I have had one friend tell me it's not big enough and the next friend say why do you have such a big tv? LOL. You can't win!

  6. I agree with your DH about spaghetti making you hungry. I always add some sort of protein to the meal and that keeps me full longer.

    1. I would think the garlic bread would fill him up, LOL. Next time I want spaghetti, I'll just make him something else and make me spaghetti - betcha he'll say "I want some of that" haha.

  7. When I make spaghetti, I put ground sirloin in it.
