Sunday, February 2, 2020

Wind, pretzels and soup

Yesterday was a windy windy day. And very warm, in the upper 50's. When I got up yesterday morning it was 57 degrees.DH went outside in between the gusts a couple of times and picked up branches. Our windchime was playing it's music most of the day.

Mid morning I made the pretzel dough and then let it rise for 40 minutes. Pretty much a Pinterest Fail in terms of a pretzel shape, but they totally tasted yummy!

In the afternoon I made my big pot of taco soup for dinner. I had enough leftover for 3 containers to put in the freezer. This pic was just before adding a dollop of sour cream.

Last night the temps dropped and the rain turned to some heavy snow around midnight and just like that we are back to winter white and 27 degrees.

DH finally at least made a start to getting his shop organized and eventually cleaned out. He measured and figured out where and what he wants/needs for some racking/shelving units along the back wall. Then he drew out (he likes doing that kind of stuff) what it will look like and figured what he needs and what it will cost. While we don't have that much money saved up yet, at least now he knows. I helped him do some measuring. I really haven't been out there much since we moved into the house, LOL. I didn't realize he at least had been able to move stuff around a bit (after getting our house stuff out) and at least has paths now to walk through to get to sections of stuff. And thanks to me organizing those bins in my office on Friday, when he asked if I could sharpen his pencil, I now knew where my electric pencil sharpener was!

I had a really good day on MTurks yesterday, for a Saturday: $10.75. My goal for the month was $250 but I only did $209. This morning I have $2.30 so far.


  1. Your soup looks wonderful. I think I could eat Mexican food every day.

    1. I'm not a huge Mexican food fan, but this is really good and makes a huge pot.

  2. The soup looks great. Setting goals is the only was to achieve consistent results, good for you.

  3. You may have said in the past, but where did you get your wind chimes? And are they called something special? We looked at some years ago and I think they were "alto" in sound, if that makes any sense? We hate the loud tinkly annoying ones, but yours are lovely. Ranee (MN)

    1. These chimes were a gift from our old neighbor, but they are called Corinthian Bells wind chimes.
      Amazon sells them, too for same pricing. We LOVE ours. I don't know the sound name either.

  4. Your pretzels & soup look really yummy.
    Yeah, if I found a gift card with $50 bucks on it, I would wonder what else is there out there:)
    Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. that's what I'm wondering! it was such a busy and hectic time, who know what I did!

  5. Replies
    1. It was, dh even had a second bowl of soup later that evening :)

  6. Those pretzels look amazing and I loved the sound of your wind chimes!

    1. I would make the pretzels again, they tasted good. Maybe next time I'd get better at the shape, LOL

  7. I love windchimes too (although I'm not sure my neighbour likes my wind chimes for some reason). And that pink and white plate is absolutely gorgeous!

    1. during the windstorm the chimes were sounding a bit frantic, haha. normally it's a beautiful relaxing sound. I love these plates too. My mom picked them up years and years ago at an estate sale when they'd winter in their Arizona house. When they stopped going to Arizona she didn't want this set anymore, so she gave it to me, because she knew I always loved it.
