Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Hump day hassles

Oh my gosh! I am SO tired of our new payroll system. You'd think by now (we've had it since August) it would have all the bugs worked out and be an easy process every payroll (we only have 55 employees). Every single payroll processing day it's something different that causes a problem. And it takes half the day to hear back from our payroll person. She takes hours to respond to an email, so I call, but the recording always says she is never available, would you like to leave a voicemail? ok....but the last two payrolls their phone system won't let me leave a voicemail, so I end up having to email. I am beyond frustrated with this. It wouldn't be so bad if the person assigned to our company was actually available. I just have to sit and wait until she finally gets back to me, and then of course, I hardly have any time left in the day to get it all entered and reviewed, which ticks me off. We finally heard back right at closing time yesterday, but with not a good answer on if it was even fixed and then subsequent emails to her were not responded to. She asks me "how did you determine that today was when you were supposed to submit payroll?" OMG! Seriously?!! I said since we started with your company I was told I needed to process payroll 4 business days before our pay date (15th and last day of each month). I even got a generic type email from the payroll company the day prior, reminding me I was supposed to submit payroll the next day! Not to mention, when we first started they sent me a schedule of when to process payroll. And then while trying to make dinner, I having to message with my boss about it. (I need a raise!)

I was finally able to get it completed this morning, except the very last step produced an error message on a severance pay manual check (that the payroll person actually entered for my boss, not me), so I can't submit until she responds to that email I just sent. I'm sure it will be several hours wait, again. My boss actually sent an email to her and her boss about an hour before the end of the day yesterday, basically saying we all need to get this figured out, it shouldn't be this complicated every single payroll.

DH was crabby yesterday, but that is expected as usually 2 days after he over does it (worked on pantry all day Sunday) is when he feels the pain extra. He did at least go back to the lumber store yesterday morning and picked up some more boards so he can finish trimming the windows in his shop.

For reading books in my library queue it always seems to be feast or famine. The past week or so just about every book in my waiting list became available and I can't keep up now, haha.  I did finish Lee Child's newest Jack Reacher book. I have to say this one really didn't do it for me. I loved all the other books, but this one just seemed to drag on and on.

Awhile back I read a sci-fi suspense type book by Blake Crouch called "Dark Matter". Really good and mind-trippy. I then put in a reserve for another book he wrote after that one, called "Recursion", which I am reading right now. Oh wow - it's even mind trippier! LOL. I few times I had to put it down and take a little break, I think just to wrap my brain around it, but then I'd want to get right back into reading it. I'm about half way through it. I think both of these books would make really good movies.


  1. You would think that after this long, the glitches would be fixed. Are you the only one needing help, or is this woman helping others during the day?

    1. she has other clients she is also helping (I don't know how many) so I'm sure she is probably stretched thin, but yes, the process should be working fine by now.

  2. Can you ask for a different payroll rep? This would drive me INSANE after this much time. That said, we're about to start change payroll services too and I am hoping for a smooth transition.

    1. I think my boss is still waiting to hear back from the higher up person she included in the email yesterday. Something needs to be done and if we are going to have to deal with so many issues we need someone that is available on payroll processing day to connect with. I've really about had it with the whole thing. I don't think my boss realized how much of the process she and I now have to do (with both HR and payroll) ourselves compared to our old service. We had a rep and she did all the items we now have to enter ourselves into their system, not to mention their whole system is extremely huge and hard to figure out, when a lot of the things that come up to take care of aren't regular occurrences, so of course we don't know how to do it in their system. And I don't learn well by only doing something once in a blue moon.
