Tuesday, February 4, 2020


DH is on hold a day or two with construction of the pantry shelves. Something he learned from woodworker friend. Stack the wood, clamp it down, and let it acclimate a bit to a warmer temp than in the freezing cold lumber yard, haha. So, it's all out in the heated shop right now, doing that. Hopefully he can get started cutting tomorrow.....because he really needs a project to do. Or if it would snow, then he'd be busy plowing, but we seem destined to have a mild winter.

I'm also working on figuring out my mom's health insurance and making sure I'm understanding it all (I'm sure I'm not!). She is on a medicare advantage plan. My understanding is she can change plans outside of the open enrollment period, if moving to a different coverage area. Her current plan is offered through the company my dad retired from. Why? I'm not exactly sure. From what I recall my parents mentioning years ago, was after my dad retired he was able to put them/keep them on a plan through his employer retirement benefits. I don't think there were any choices of different plans or insurance companies. Then quite some years ago they got switched to Kaiser. I do not know if during this time they had any cost to be on this "retirement plan". I know since I started figuring out what my mom's bills were (about 4 years or so ago) I know she was paying about $340 a month for this Kaiser medicare advantage plan.

From what I can gather, for 2020, the retirees group changed what was offered to the retirees. They now had many options and different plans and insurance companies to choose from (from what her BF said - they got put on the insurance "marketplace") and BF helped pick her plan for her. She stayed with Kaiser and sounds like a similar plan to what she had, but now the cost is only $99 a month (starting 2020).

I'm not really sure I understand the benefit of being under this retirees plan all these past years. She really doesn't have a clue, so I can't ask her. In fact, half the time she thinks "it's free through the retirees plan". I keep reminding her, no, you are paying for it each month. You used to pay $340 a month, now this year you are paying $99. Maybe years ago, when my dad first retired it was a free benefit to them and then at some point they started charging them? I don't know.

I'm also reading that if a person chooses a medicare advantage type plan (instead of medigap insurance) then that is what they have to stay with. I googled medicare advantage plans for this state and one of the links was with the main hospital/medical group here in the city. They had an "info" page on medicare advantage and said there are 2 they are contracted with: Bluecross/Bluesheild and Humana. That seems like good info to know, since that is most likely the hospital and providers I would have her use (that's what I use). I did find some info on Humana's website about the advantage plans offered (3) and their costs. Though I'm still trying to figure out the differences in the plans and which would be best ($0 monthly cost, $44 and $68/mo).  I haven't been able to find anything on the BC/BS plans and costs, yet, apparently because it's not open enrollment time.

I'm going to call her current insurance administrator company (not Kaiser, it's a company that manages the retirees insurance plans) and see what info I can learn from them. I guess I just don't get what the purpose of the retirees using this, if they can get the same plans, at same cost on the "marketplace". I also tried to log into her "account" with this plan adminstrator company. I  registered with her info and it shows her "account" but shows she's not enrolled in anything. (but I know she is). Weird.

I have a headache already, LOL.


  1. I just asked Tommy what his advantage plan includes--just prescriptions. He knows sooo little about all this. But, it is bcbs.

    1. My understanding of the "advantage plans" is the medicare benefits are provided through the insurance company and having prescriptions is an options some plans offer. So, all medical services are billed through the insurance company plan. Not like how my grandma had hers. She had "supplemental" insurance, so Medicare will billed as the primary insurance and then her supplemental was billed as a secondary, to cover what medicare didn't.

  2. Good luck with figuring out the insurance plans! It is all very confusing to me! I am covered through my retirement plan, and, since I worked there for over 25 years, it is free to me. If, however, I had a spouse or other dependent covered by my insurance plan, then, I would have to pay for that person. So, maybe, your dad's insurance was free for him, but, your mom, as his spouse, had to pay for her coverage, but, she thought her coverage was free, too?

    1. I have no idea! Are you on medicare? that's where is seems to get so confusing. My dad retired before 65, so I know he was on work insurance for at least a few years before he was eligible for medicare and my mom was 10 years younger than my dad, so it was awhile before she could go on medicare.

  3. So. While I am.not an expert, I come from the "if you get retiree insurance keep it" school of thought. Said as I am a Federal retiree. Certain people would love to mess with insurance as it is for one and you might not always have the advantage and if you leave advantage which is basically managed care with alot of limits and if you get more I'll and want to move to a supplemental you can be subject to underwriting. You probably cant make a change now that Jan is over but I would talk to a non profit broker. I did just suspend my federal for a year to try out the advantag . I am now back in the fold even with a higher monthly premium.

    1. as near as I can figure out what she has really isn't "retiree insurance". It's just the same medicare advantage plans she can get on her own on the marketplace. I have read too, that to switch from advantage to supplemental you could be subject to underwriting and higher premiums. She has been happy/fine with the advantage plan, I just wanted to make sure I could figure out how to switch her to an advantage plan that works in my state, when she moves here.

  4. The word "Medicare" gives me a headache! Good luck!!

    1. oh me too! I don't even know how they would expect a senior to figure all this out.
