Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday what-not

DH's elbow is getting better each day. It still hurts, but the swelling went way down and it's just bruising, of course. Someone online had him convinced he was going to get an infection and die. DH was like "who knew you could die from it?!" I was like "what did he die from? Me: he hit his elbow.....". Geez. While we realized that is something to keep an eye on if it didn't get better, it wasn't an emergency that he needed to go to ER or the doctor right then. I knew all they would do is tell him to do what I told him to do - ice it and take ibuprofen. If it is/got infected we weren't going to know in the first few hours, I wouldn't think. The swelling went down fairly fast. And for a change, he is being smart and not using it and aggravating it more, so it should heal up faster than his other injuries (like when he blew his knee out).

I was so bummed. An ebook borrowed through the library got snagged back as the borrow time was up. I only had like 40 pages to go to finish it! I was trying so hard to get it done, but I just couldn't read anymore after I read for awhile in bed last night. Now I'll have to wait weeks to get to borrow it again, to finish it. I see that the library is going to start a new procedure for getting ebooks that you are waiting on. You will be able to put yourself back in line by one spot, if you aren't ready to read it yet,  rather than it just automatically being checked out to you. That will help me as sometimes several books I've put on reserve will become available all about the same time and there's no way I can read them all in the time allotted. It's especially frustrating when it's a book I've really been wanting to read and it's been such a long wait that it sucks to have to go back to the end of the line.

Here's my start on filling my pantry containers. I still have 3 left - 2 really small ones and one next size up. Not sure exactly yet what I am putting in those. I do definitely need a couple of cereal ones.  I think I'll move them up a row, so they are more eye level.

As a joke for DH, I labeled the spaghetti noodles one "2021 spaghetti". I put my tapioca in a small one and cut the instructions from the box and put it in my drawer with recipes.

MTurks is much better this week, but I am putting in the effort. Monday was $13 and yesterday was $20.50. I have a feeling today isn't going to be as good. I haven't even found one hit yet after an hour and half.

DH went and got the rest of the lumber boards he needs to finish up the base board trim he wants to do in the shop. He's letting them acclimate for a day or two, which is also good in that he's not using his elbow yet. It was only $100 in lumber, so I don't think that's too bad to trim it out and make it look nice. He's still using up a big 5 gallon can of stain leftover from our house build. I did have to buy him some replacement sanding pads in different grits for his sander. Those were from Amazon, 50 packs of 3 different grits at about $20 each pack.

DD had $200 saved (mostly from selling stuff she didn't need anymore) and then just got her overtime pay, so she now has enough to buy the Dyson vacuum she wants from Costco for $450. She's getting one of the cordless ones, the V11.

That's all I've got for today.

It's supposed to be totally sunny the next few days. So far this morning it's just looking overcast. Even both weather apps on my phone show it's supposed to be sunny right now.

I just got my auto insurance renewal notice. My premium is going down $5 per month. Every time that happens one of my other bills goes up $10 a month, LOL.


  1. I'm glad you hub's accident didn't end up with a trip to ER. But it's funny how some people are isn't it - having someone else convince him he could die from it! My oldest son is like that - one sniffle and he'll be googling the hell out of it and decide he's got bubonic plague!

  2. Your new containers look so nice!

  3. Put your kindle or e device on airplane mode assuming the book is downloaded. In th theory it will be returned but Amazon or whomever will not be able to pull it if you are not on wifi. Obviously this suggestion would work only for those books that have just a little bit to be finished.

    1. I tried that before and it doesn't work for me. I am using an ipad mini and it's an app through my library

  4. I love your new containers! I want to organize our pantry dry goods like this someday. Glad hubs' elbow seems to be healing up well!

  5. I am glad your husband's injury is getting better already. The containers look really nice. I need to organize my pantry as well.

    1. Ive never had a pantry before so it's kind of fun getting it organized. I loved that I could get to my spices easily.
