Monday, February 24, 2020


DH hasn't been feeling well since Saturday evening, but worse yesterday and last night. Hard to say what it is with him. I know that for Thursday, Friday and Saturday he basically worked out in his shop for 10 hours per day, pretty much non stop. Used lots of muscles: standing the whole time, bending over (and over), up and down ladder, etc. By evening last night he said his whole body ached the worse it's ever done (but he's said that before). He didn't have a fever. So, I'm thinking he just totally over did it or maybe he's coming down with the flu (he also said his stomach hurt, but it kind of sounded more like the muscles in his stomach and he's eating fine). It's hard to figure out, when he's already in pain all the time anyway, let alone if something happens where he's feeling worse, of course he's dying. He did get to sleep around midnight or so finally, and seemed to sleep pretty well, at least every time I woke up I could tell he was asleep by his breathing (or light snoring). Of course when I asked him this morning if he's feeling any better (twice) he just shrugs, but he always does that. I really don't know what to do for him when he's in that much pain. We only have ibuprofen and tylenol, which he already took. He did take a couple of hot baths to try to relax his muscles.

And as totally expected, now my uncle is trying to back out of helping move my mom over here. In our previous conversations he had said he would do it. He has a friend with a large van or something (and they'd get a uhaul to pull along if necessary). I also had mentioned that DD has a pickup with a canopy and if needed she could haul stuff (and drive Grandma) over too. Well, he calls last night and says "if DD has a truck with a canopy, maybe they can just get the little uhaul trailer to pull along and move her, so that my friend doesn't have to do a 1000 mile round trip in 2 days.". I said sure, we'll figure it out. Rolling eyes. But, I knew he would do this, so no surprise. No reason for him to go out of his way....especially since she gave him her car and is leaving 30% of her wealth to him, LOL. I think what I will do is the weekend we are moving her over here, I'll drive over there on Wednesday. Have Wed afternoon/eve and all day Thursday to finalize her packing. Friday morning DD and her Dh can come with pickup and uhaul. I'm not sure if the 3 of us could load it up by ourselves or if I need to hire some help. But, load up Friday morning and drive over to my house and spend the night here. Then Saturday morning get her moved into her new place and DD/SIL can head home Sunday. Unloading we'd have my DH to help with the heavy stuff. I'm thinking maybe hire some mover labor to get it all downstairs and loaded, probably wouldn't take 2 guys more than an hour for the big stuff, though they probably have a minimum charge, but oh well. The place she lives has one of those hotel baggage type carts we can load boxes on and take downstairs and wheel out to load up the lighter stuff ourselves. Basically would need help with her twin bed, recliner, small antique loveseat, small desk, tv and stand, small 2 person dining table and her dresser. I have a bunch of moving blankets I can bring with me.


  1. Can your uncle at least help pack up anything or ? A bummer for sure but you have a plan B and C so that always helps.

    I hope your DH feels better soon, he has been working super hard on stuff so it sounds like a lot of muscle pain, indeed.

    1. I could ask him (he's almost 2 hours from her) but honestly, I'm just going to take care of it with DD, as we figured we would end up doing anyway. He's never been reliable for stuff he says he's going to do.

    2. Some people are only reliable for the stuff that benefits them the most, unfortunately! At least you know that and have a plan in mind.

  2. Hope your husband is feeling better, now. As for your uncle backing out of helping your mom move, well, it sounds like you were prepared for him to do so, anyway. Glad you have an alternate plan. Got to love family, right?

    1. He is feeling better today, thank you. I really had hopes uncle would come through on this one, LOL. Oh well.

  3. There are always people who garner good favor from their OFFER of help, only to predictably back out. Jerk! Yep, he helps when it is good for him. Just doing it yourself is easier. Your husband sounds like me with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

    1. Yes, I think it probably will be easier just to take care of the move ourselves. I think he does have fibro/chronic fatigue - HE just needs to realize he has it and that he's not always going to feel exactly the same each day, especially depending on how much he does with his muscles

  4. Try calling Uhaul to with see if they have people you can hire to help on both ends of moving. I know that years ago, my brother and his wife had hired Uhaul men to do the heavy furniture.

    1. I did check Craigslist (that's how we found our movers to help move our heavy stuff from town to here) and there are a couple advertised in mom's area, so I will probably do that, at least for her end of it.

  5. When you know family patterns, it is best have plans b and c at the ready. It may be that he overstepped his boundaries offering his friends vehicle and help. 1000 miles round trip for the friend does seem like a lot-not for your uncle, but the friend.

    1. I agree. And my uncle (and I'm sure whoever his friend is) isn't that young either. Though he is in great shape for a 75 year old guy! He goes to the gym like every other day and does the treadmill.
